I took a huge risk ordering 2, almost blindly---but hell---I had toYep, thats so true especially the nudes range. And, the nudes always swatch differently on skin than how they look on the lips.
Ash, I was torn with that decision 2 for daysI am torn between the matte vamp and the other vamp in the other formula. Even in my scrambled brain, I can't spin how spending 180.00 on 2 lipsticks can be justified....then the new TF mattes, heck I can get 4 of those (close enough in Ash math 180.00 = 208.00) the nail polishes and blushes from Chanel, still owe the P's for the uniform of the ombre's bronze and peach. Then the Dior polishes and new Addict lipsticks. Wonder if the end of CL container is sharp enough to do damage to my wrists??? Death by Lipstick, next chapter in our soap opera???? Mental anguish lawsuit perhaps can be filed???? Oh crap, what is one to do????
Thanks! I'm not seeing Very Prive and some others, though? Wonder if all the images are loading or whatThis is a helpful review. http://lauradee.com
Lol! Well, in that case, decision made! Send me one, I'll write you a check :lmao:[COLOR=0000FF]Hey Haven---I hope that helped & today's a better day!!!![/COLOR] :haha: [COLOR=0000FF] Guess what I did? I accidentally ordered 2 VPs. I caught it just before shipping but amending the order would have delayed it-------so I'll just send it right back.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]I couldn't get into the NP for that reason but hell, the lippies are a different story for me. They are not practical----artistic yes---pragmatic---hell to the no.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF] Squeals----I mine doesn't arrive until Wednesday though[/COLOR]:sigh:
Yes lolPutting them in a box they do not belong is just wrong. The children like having their own special bed. Thanks for the info, you rock as always!!!!
Yay![COLOR=0000FF] Thanks AWS---on the list!!![/COLOR]:happydance:
But that's exactly why you need it, it's a different finish lolI mean I don't need Bengali in both finishes right?? Or all three reds :lmao:
Excellent, mwahahaha:bouquet: Pictures do not do justice to the beauty of this shade on the lips! :bigheart: FORMULA IS FAR FAR SUPERIOR to ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially the Chanel RCS! The pigmentation, the luscious look it gives to the lips, how the pigmentation adheres to the lips. And ATTN Winthrop :haha: I just slathered a lot of it on my lips, drank coffee, went out into the crazy humidity trying to get it to feather....NONE on me! That is great news to us old ladies :haha:
Scream!YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lmao: I'm so excited I can't stand it :nanas: I've missed so many posts today. My sister had to call & chat about the fact that she's spraying wolf spiders that have scorpion like stingers out the back & her spider spray nozzle failed :shock:I won't be visiting her for awhile :haha: I have 3 sisters & none of them like or wear makeup...even though I bought them Chanel lipsticks
Triplets nowIt sooo true...what is that! Did I order the right shade...& why am I paying this for ls![]()
My sisters areYes, I would adopt you in a heartbeat!!! We could spy on landscapers & UPS dudes together![]()
Forgot that I ordered Maya lol:bigthumb: [COLOR=0000FF]you did good Vee!!!! I also ordered 2 liners--- Maya & Safki[/COLOR] [COLOR=64B3DF][COLOR=000000] [/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]The masses would argue that and we would lose!!!:haha: [/COLOR]
LOL! My Nordstrom order arrived, and I made a "clean getaway." DH decided to take the kids with him, so no one was home when the box was delivered. I love my kids dearly, but they are now of the ages where they can rat me out. Either innocently or on purpose. "Mommy got a box today." Or "The package man came." As I sit there trying to act innocent. I am test driving just nothing with lenue. So far it is love! This ls is extremely comfortable for a matte and is a great everyday color. The liner works with it perfectly! The lipstick also transformed a bit (just like MAC boca does) after being on my lips. I am not saying that the shade in any way, shape or form resembles boca, just that the color transitions with wear. The liner is definitely weapon worthy. Reminds me of the ice pick Sharon Stone used in "Basic Instinct." I also got rococotte which I plan to try later. It looks gorgeous! We are all going to an event tonight, and I think that there will be a security checkpoint. So I will have to leave the CL at home. Not risking confiscation of expensive and dangerous lip products.[COLOR=0000FF] Miss Loubie caught my eye but I'd already ordered my 'bright' ----Bengali. I would definitely consider her for a future purchase. You can do a lot of damage in two hours! [/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF] :yaay: HURRY!!!![/COLOR]
Impera!! It's gorgeous and since you love so vain I think you will like this too!! And the texture is TDF!!I'm trying to pick a satin....what are the votes?
It sooo true...what is that! Did I order the right shade...& why am I paying this for ls :haha: My sisters are :nuts: Yes, I would adopt you in a heartbeat!!! We could spy on landscapers & UPS dudes together
Ahahahaha imagine triple the number of packages and UPS :shock:[COLOR=0000FF] Triplets now[/COLOR]arty2:
I am so tempted by ten of the satins, but I need to narrow that down obviously.That may be so the way it looks like this is going :lol: I really like the looks of Miss Loubie! Ahh, you WERE a good girl :haha: What are you getting today? lol
Is it TOO similar??Impera!! It's gorgeous and since you love so vain I think you will like this too!! And the texture is TDF!!
Can you just imagine that?!We are all going to an event tonight, and I think that there will be a security checkpoint. So I will have to leave the CL at home. Not risking confiscation of expensive and dangerous lip products.
We are all going to an event tonight, and I think that there will be a security checkpoint. So I will have to leave the CL at home. Not risking confiscation of expensive and dangerous lip products.
I am so tempted by ten of the satins, but I need to narrow that down obviously.
You know me and my reds! :haha: Just don't know if I should do Velvet Matte or Satin.[COLOR=0000FF] Oh yeah!!! Definitely red for you!!!!![/COLOR]
That seems to be a problem around here. Did you get to see them both on Sabrina?You know me and my reds!Just don't know if I should do Velvet Matte or Satin.![]()
Do you see my answer to your questionCan you just imagine that?!![]()
Thanks! I am always attracted to the sheer lip products and that is SUCH a beautiful shade, but .... I dunno, if I do spring for one of these eventually I feel like maybe I should get a satin or matte? Well see.Do you see my answer to your question
And ATTN WinthropI just slathered a lot of it on my lips, drank coffee, went out into the crazy humidity trying to get it to feather....NONE on me! That is great news to us old ladies.![]()
I really tried to get it to feather or bleed.