Christian Louboutin Beauty -- COMING SOON?


Well-known member
why is that? Will you buy anymore?

Quote: Originally Posted by awickedshape

I want Zoulou and the Safki liner for my own OCD reasons but I'm not so impressed by the lipstick itself i.e. the application and wear.

Haven't heard of more mattes breaking in awhile so I hope that was a few freak occurrences.

@Medgal07 and @Prettypackages, now I do: Zoulou matte.


Well-known member
Finally got my matte Rouge Louboutin, Bengali and Survivita. Can't wait to wear my RL!

Zoulou and Youpiyou keeps getting pushed back at Neiman's. I'm tempted to cancel those and order from Nordstrom.


Well-known member
  :yahoo: [COLOR=0000FF]I'm so not surprised.  It looks great on you.   Today was the first day this week that I didn't wear it[/COLOR]:haha:
Lol Thanks , dear one I'm tempted to BU! Imagine that lol
Finally got my matte Rouge Louboutin, Bengali and Survivita. Can't wait to wear my RL! Zoulou and Youpiyou keeps getting pushed back at Neiman's. I'm tempted to cancel those and order from Nordstrom. 
I don't like this backorder stuff. Sephora had Zoulou for so long but now it's S.O.


Well-known member
Thanks! :meh: I just checked all mine & they are all still good except for the one nude. Mine are in a temperature controlled no light environment.
I think we have discussed. I totally had some TF Boys that spoiled on me. They were fine upon receipt and turned. I keep the a/c on 72! All the time. So they are never in hotter temps. I bought the ones that spoiled from TF, which I won't ever do again. I won't bother to try to return figuring their customer service sucks.