Christian-Themed Cosmetics


Well-known member
Because Jesus loves small pores, right?

updated 12:33 p.m. ET, Tues., Feb. 12, 2008

SINGAPORE - A cosmetics range with cheeky taglines that extolled the virtues of "Looking Good for Jesus" has been pulled from stores in Singapore after some Roman Catholics complained the items were disrespectful, a newspaper reported Tuesday.

Promising to "Redeem your reputation and more," the product line included a "virtuous vanilla"-flavored lip balm and a "Get Tight with Christ" hand and body cream, as well as bags and other items sold by British retailer Topshop and produced by Blue Q, The Straits Times said.

Wing Tai Retail, which manages Topshop in the city-state, removed the range late last month after receiving complaints, the newspaper said.
"These products trivialize Jesus Christ and Christianity," it quoted Nick Chui, 27, one of the complainants, as saying. "There are also sexual innuendoes in the messages and the way Jesus is portrayed in these products."

On the packaging of one of the products, Jesus, wearing a bright white robe, looks heavenward while a blonde, heavily made-up woman with an arm draped across his shoulder gazes dreamily at his face.

"Why would anyone use religious figures to promote vanity products? It's very disrespectful and distasteful," the report quoted 24-year-old accountant Grace Ong, also Catholic, as saying.

An unnamed Wing Tai Retail spokesman apologized for offending the Christian community, the Straits Times said. Wing Tai Retail officials could not be reached for comment Tuesday because the company's office was closed for the Lunar New Year holiday.

The report did not say whether the products were sold by any other Singapore retailers.

Christians make up about 15 percent of multicultural Singapore's population of 4.5 million people. About half of Singaporeans are Buddhist, Muslims account for another 15 percent, and Hindus around 5 percent.

Blue Q has some clever names for products, but this one of the dumbest things I have ever heard of.

Between this and Blue Q's "Bye Bye Kitty" chewing gum which featured a cat in a blender graphic, I think it's time to clean house in the creative dept.


Well-known member
I could see "Love your Neighbor Footwash". Jesus is beautiful, but he wouldn't sell products, he only offers love and hope and salvation.

I remember having a discussion with a few senior nuns and a Monseigner for some art work I was doing. We got to talking about Madonna, this was the early 1980's . We never did reach a conclusion about expoitation, good or bad. The people who live in religious life are often far more open minded than the parishoners.


Well-known member
i think thats FUNNY! Of course Jesus loved make up. How do you think he got his eyes to look so loving anf flirty. mascara and highlight the inner corners. i keed i keed!


Well-known member
I read this on BBCnews this morning. Honestly, I don't see it as that big of a step out of other things marketed with religious iconography. Remember those "Jesus/Mary is my Home Boy/Girl" tee shirts at Urban Outfitters? I can see this stuff being sold at my UO.

I think Christianity/Catholicism has bigger issues within the churches and the world in general to worry about to get all offended about a tongue-in-cheek cosmetics line.


Well-known member
I don't find it offensive, though I'm sure some do. I just find it stupidly silly. It's like someone putting out Buddha pancake mix or Buddha fix-a-flat. Just goofy.


Well-known member
Omg I LOVE Blue-Q!! I use their Miso Pretty range. It's so cute <3

The shop I work in sells Jesus band-aids. They come with a free miniature Jesus and are extremely popular. Jesus heals



Well-known member
i think this is kinda silly on both parties.... what about those jesus is my homeboy t-shirts or WWJD bracelets, jesus bobble head dolls. people have been using jesus for creative advertising all over the place.


Well-known member
Oh puhleeze! This is one of the more ridiculous cosmetic campaigns; sorry guys, but seeing jesus on my cosmetics isn't going to provide me any incentive to buy, anymore than seeing a buddha on the bottle.


Well-known member
Lol I actually found that funny..

The thing that annoys me most though is that Christianity still portrays Jesus as a white guy. That makes me giggle.


Well-known member
All I can think of is "Too-dark foundation makes Baby Jesus cry."

Talk about a company desperate for ideas. =P


Well-known member
^^Lol KT!

I can't help but find it funny. Not too tasteful, but funny.
I can understand why some Christians might be offended if they didn't have much of a sense of humour, but i hope most could see the funny side. It's obviously pretty tongue-in-cheek.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V15U4L_3RR0R
The thing that annoys me most though is that Christianity still portrays Jesus as a white guy. That makes me giggle.

Jesus is technically a white guy, just a Mediterranean one and not the Northern European one normally depicted

Race is a difficult concept, and modern demographers/sociologists are moving away from it toward ethnicity instead. But if you had to classify most of the inhabitants of North Africa/Middle East, they would technically be Caucasian.


Well-known member
What I mean is, he's often portrayed in pictures as having fair skin but given that part of the world...Well I am the only person who sees that as daft? Why don't they just portray him as middle eastern is what I mean.