Tessa Stevens
New member
Honestly I am super bleach blond like her and do a lot of blondes so what you need to know is you can only bleach it so blond and second you need to tone with a violet based toner and you need to do Awapuhi Kera triplex treatments on your hair to give your hair back the nutrients you have robbed from it to take out the natural or processed color. Make sure you ask blonds that you love their hair who there hair dresser is. That way you can find some one who can duplicate it for you in your area. Awapuhi Kera Triplex treatment is protien that mimics the human protien perfectly. It is by Paul Mitchel product trade marked by only them. Find a focus salon or some one who does these OMG amazing I heal everyday with them and they also have the shampoo and creme rinse and INTENSIVE TREATMENT! these will all be as close to Heaven as you can get with out actually going. after going blond a great toner is by Wella it is t-18 you can get it at a Sallys beauty supply and it is my favorite so far. I also like Matrix SSH-V or SSH-A. If you ever come to Spokane, WA I would be more than happy to get you there! Just remember what ever you steal from you hair you have to give back to help prevent damage and encourage healthier hair. It can be done I PROMISE!