Circumcision and AIDS, medical community gives a verdict~


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian

As for having a child circumcised just because their father is, how is that any different from something we've discussed previously - deaf or otherwise disabled parents wishing to have their children genetically modified to be similarly disabled? Is that not cruel?

That was the reason my son was circumsized and quite frankly we had a good reason as explained. His grandfather at an older age got
a UTI and had to be circ'd at 70+ and it was painful.
at least now he wont know such pain, and I did a background search on the doctor who performed the operation.
I wouldnt take him to some stranger.

I think this is a very good thing and u cannot compare it to
havin a birth defect, theyr just not the same


Well-known member
I am VERY much against cirumcision, male and female. It is mutilation, on a person who is not in a position to consent (if done on a baby). There is no reason to circumcise men unless they do have a problem with their foreskin being too attached, but that is actually pretty rare.

I've been with both uncircumcised and circumcised males and tbh, I also prefer uncircumcised. Circumcised penises just look weird to me, and they aren't as much fun to play with. The lack of a foreskin can also lead to desintizing of the head, as it's always exposed.

As to uncircumcized penises being gross, that is definitely not true. Like someone said, it all comes down to personal hygiene, and as long as the guy washes his knob well, it is totally clean and doesn't smell. An circumcized pen0r can smell just as bad if it's not cleaned propperly.

And yes, I do think it is barbaric, and causes the child EXCRUTIATING pain. Even if he doesn't remember the pain as an adult, the child (unless under narcotics) screams and wails with agony. Some babies even pass out with the pain. I saw a video once that documents a normal circumcision proceedure, and it was so terrible, I couldn't even finish watching it.

Personally I think it shouldn't be allowed at all. It still is mutilation no matter what angle you're looking at it from, and unless it's consensual like an adult saying he wants to get it done, it's physical violence, imo.

Also, saying it's for medical reasons to prevent something pre-emptively, can be compared to cutting off a girl's breasts to prevent possible breast cancer when she gets older. So that argument is totally invalid.


Well-known member
Also, there are MANY cases of very botched circumcisions, especially those done by persons who are not medical specialists, often religious figures like rabis and stuff. It is really sad, because that boy is going to have to live with a botched up penis for the rest of his life.

Click this link to see some pics: Warning, it is very graphic!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I've been with both uncircumcised and circumcised males and tbh, I also prefer uncircumcised. Circumcised penises just look weird to me, and they aren't as much fun to play with. The lack of a foreskin can also lead to desintizing of the head, as it's always exposed.

I think the appearance factor is really preference... Personally i'm skeeved out by forskin lol... Just like anything, to each is own.

I've never met a cut guy who couldn't get an orgasm. If anything thats probably a benefit being less sensitive, no pre-mature ejaculation lol. Nothing worse than an oversensitive guy who is done after a few seconds. LOL.


Well-known member
Thumbs up for turtlenecked penises
It's sad to see that so many chicks are closed minded about an uncircumcised peen. Of course they're gonna smell if they don't clean down there but uhm.. girls, we smell if we don't clean down there as well! You shouldn't be 'eww'ing a guy with a foreskin, you should be 'eww'ing the guy who doesn't bathe.. that's why he's stinky :p Nature intended men to have foreskins.. I'm sick of listening to doctors and scientists tell us that they know better than nature.

My boyfriend is the first uncircumcised male I have been with. He has never smelled icky down there, even if I'm down there before bedtime and he hasn't showered since the morning. He definitely feels thicker than any circumcised guy I've been with as well, which I give a big
One study I read showed that men without foreskins need to use more force to insert their peen. Ouch. Also, there is a band of ridges in the foreskin which contains tons of nerve endings and is quite possibly an erogenous zone which helps trigger ejaculation. I know I wouldn't want any of my erogenous zones cut off

I won't be circumcising my son(s). I will be teaching them (or maybe their father will, haha) to keep it clean, and always use a condom. I've seen guys with 'skin bridges' not as bad as the ones in the link MissChevious posted, and they definitely aren't attractive to me. It's unnecessary mutilation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by girlstar
Thumbs up for turtlenecked penises
It's sad to see that so many chicks are closed minded about an uncircumcised peen.

It's not always about being close minded, it's about not liking the expierence.

Or is a turtleneck penis like wine, an aquired taiste?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
It's not always about being close minded, it's about not liking the expierence.

Yeah, and if someone didn't like their experience, then that's fine.. but my qualms are when people are quick to shoot something down when they haven't tried it themselves, all because someone else had an experience with a smelly peen.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by girlstar
Yeah, and if someone didn't like their experience, then that's fine.. but my qualms are when people are quick to shoot something down when they haven't tried it themselves, all because someone else had an experience with a smelly peen.

it has nothing to do with being closed minded and everything to do with some girls just dont like a un-cut penis and some men find it uncomfortable and too sensitive..
i dont like the way it looks its a turn off to me.. if you dont mind it then theres nothing wrong or closed mined about that

little teaser

Well-known member
oh and one more thing, the guy i dated that was un-cut was clean person i even tried to shower with him and wash it myself to make sure it was clean and it still had a oder.. im sorry if you think finding genital body oder offensive closed minded


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
oh and one more thing, the guy i dated that was un-cut was clean person i even tried to shower with him and wash it myself to make sure it was clean and it still had a oder.. im sorry if you think finding genital body oder offensive closed minded

We have genital body odor...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Ok see guys like that are retarded.
Sex when your dick is healing is painful.

The problem is many women in that region don't have the legal right (or if they do, no one enforces it) to refuse sex at that point, you know? So its even sadder than just the regular stupidity of men


Well-known member
Yeh thats a big problem. Women are really vulnerable to HIV in the area because they are trapped in marriages with unfaithful men.

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
We have genital body odor...

nope.. not like that. my husband dont smell like that ever


Well-known member
I just realized what it is about that article that has been bothering me all day.

If they are proposing circumcision as a method of preventing acquiring HIV (in Africa), isn't it non-sensical to use the fact pertaining to HIV positive men infecting women when they haven't waited for their penises to heal?

Does that make sense? I just think its weird that they are cirumcising HIV positive men to prevent them from acquiring HIV.

I think its a very important thing to know (the higher likelihood of infecting a partner if the man doesn't wait), but it seems out of place in the context of using circumcision to prevent getting HIV.


Well-known member
Sounds to me like they were studying if circumcision had any effect on reducing the transmision HIV to women, and the doctors didn't think about the, "these guys are prolly gonna have sex b4 it heals" factor.

Saddest part, is that the guys involved in this test knew they were HIV positive, but were still having intercourse...

Among 70 men with HIV who underwent circumcision, 11 of their female partners became infected with the virus in the month after the surgery. In contrast, only four partners of 54 uncircumcised men with HIV in the control group caught the virus — nearly half the rate, early results showed.

Anyone wanna bet that their "female partners" have absolutely no say in if they want to have sex or dont want to have sex with their HIV positive male partner.

So thats probably why they were studying it. To see if circumcision reduces the chance of infection of the poor women in Africa who can't tell their HIV positive husbands, "no."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
So thats probably why they were studying it. To see if circumcision reduces the chance of infection of the poor women in Africa who can't tell their HIV positive husbands, "no."

Yeah, that's what I figured, but they kept putting it in the context of the study of circumcising preventing the male acquiring HIV. It was just incongruous to me.


Well-known member
I dont know who it was that said that its nature. and that if it wasnt necessary they wouldnt have it or something like that.
but really if we did everything the way nature intended then we wouldnt survive a common cold like it was back in the old days.

If we were truly to live the way "nature" wanted us to we would be in a cave without any of the things we have now.
but actually this is part of nature.. its a form of evolving.

when a birds home gets taken like lets say they build houses and cut down the forest, theyr way of surviving is building their nest on roof tops or anywhere else they see fit.

our way of doing it is to finding cures and ways to make our health better. and the fact the skin is being removed so theres no infections and such is a way of our survival.

Wen children are born they get injections and medicine put into their bodies which is not normally there is that cruel? No.
They are PREVENTING the diseases. just like circumsision is preventing any possible infections in men.
We get the vaccine for Hepatitis B.. we dont have Hepatitis B
so why are we getting it? to prevent it!

someone mentioning that circumsitions were cruel and unnesesary because they infections and such might not happen. same thing with all the vaccines and medicines ppl take.

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