Clinique Skincare


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I think their creams and stuff are pretty good, I just think the products are too expensive here in Switzerland for what it is. But just the toners, ugh, they are horrible.


Well-known member
I use the #2 Lotion which is strong but next time I'll get them mild one which doesn't contain alcohol and has a 0,5 BHA in, much better


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I think their creams and stuff are pretty good, I just think the products are too expensive here in Switzerland for what it is. But just the toners, ugh, they are horrible.

What skincare products are you currently using? because your skin is PERFECT!


Well-known member
i have used clinique's 3 step skincare on and off for years. i don't really know why seeing it never gave me that great results. i guess i just figured that my skin would never be great no matter what skincare i used. i had monthy break outs, oily t-zone, and large pores. a few times when i ran out of clinique, i was really broke and was forced to buy cheaper skincare. when i used the cheaper stuff i actually didn't notice any change in my skin so i just figured i might as well stick w/ the cheap stuff since it gives me the same results as clinique. but about 3 months ago i decided to give lush's skincare a try because i got bored with what i was using and this is the first time in years that i've seen a visual improvment in my skin. i've been using their coalface face soap, tea tree toner, and cosmetic lad moisturizer. my face is much smoother! and eventhough i still get the odd monthy break out, i notice that it's not half as bad as before and that it fades much quicker.


Well-known member
If you have combination skin or sensitive skin. STAY AWAY!
I have sensitive skin.
I had used their Acne Skin Care products in the past for a good 6 months and the end result was cystic acne and dry skin to the point where it peeled. The chemicals in these products are STRONG and not made for all skin types.
My skin hasn't been the same since. Although I don't break out much now and it has healed since then (its been 3 yrs) my skin still remains dry. However, I used their toner (after the destruction of my face and to finish up the product) which was pretty good but I would NEVER buy their skin care products ever again. I have been using Neutrogena after that and I love it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
If you have combination skin or sensitive skin. STAY AWAY!
I have sensitive skin.
I had used their Acne Skin Care products in the past for a good 6 months and the end result was cystic acne and dry skin to the point where it peeled. The chemicals in these products are STRONG and not made for all skin types.
My skin hasn't been the same since. Although I don't break out much now and it has healed since then (its been 3 yrs) my skin still remains dry. However, I used their toner (after the destruction of my face and to finish up the product) which was pretty good but I would NEVER buy their skin care products ever again. I have been using Neutrogena after that and I love it!

wow! that sucks.
i think im gonna stay away from this stuff!!


Well-known member
I haven't been much of a clinique fan even though I've worked for them :rollseyes: the products generally for me (I have dry skin), just isn't moisturizing enough. whenever I use their stuff my skin feels blah. although there are a few things that I like

15 min facial mask - the effect is great but it's still rather drying
cleansing bar soap - it gives you that squeaky clean feeling and it lasts FOREVER
Clarifying lotion - if you're gonna use a toner you might as well use this one for the exfoliating benefits

that's about it. generally I wouldn't recommend the range to those with dry complexion. However, those with pimple problems tend to benefit very well from clinique's products


Well-known member
Just an FYI: the clarifying lotion does not have acetone and is really not as harsh as people claim. I am a skin type 1 which is VERY DRY and I have had a really bad problem with eczema for years (to the point where it hurts). Since using Clinique I can guarantee you that it works. I have not had a problem since.

From what I have been reading, it looks like some have just gotten the wrong products for their skin type. I strongly suggest you find a really good Clinique consultant. It makes a world of a difference.


Well-known member
according to the clinique sa im a skin type 2. Started using the 3 step skincare programme 2 weeks ago and have been using it as directed. i havent had any spots for well over a year, last week i started coming out in spots and now ive got dry skin all over my face. i went back to speak to the lady at clinique and she was little help :-( im going to stop using it all together and stick to cleansing wipes, moisturizer and water!!


I went to the Clinique counter looking for sparkly pink eyeshadow... and somehow was upsold and ended up with the 3 Step System. I thought the toner was so cool at first, since I thought it must be doing a great job since everytime I used it the cotton ball had dirt on it even after washing my face! It worked well for about a week, but then I noticed my overall skin was changing. It was somehow getting more oily! That stuff is way too harsh so I stopped using it. It just doesn't make sense to dry out your skin and then to add tons of moisturizer. Needless to say, I won't be returning! For reference I used the Clarifying Lotion II. I would not recommend it. If you read the back of the label, the toner is basically all alcohol! It's way too harsh for skin. And the moisturizer doesn't have SPF and is very oily. Personally, I feel that there are way better products on the market that do a better job for less money.


Well-known member
Does the toner that comes in the Acne Solutions kit have alcohol in it?

It looks like if I check out this or the 3-step line, I will have to make some modifications...


Well-known member
I have combination/normal skin. I LOVE their dramatically different lotion and I use the Clarifying Lotion 3 to get rid of pimples. I spot treat it and they go away faster. (I just looked it up online... I had no idea it was an exfoliator.. lol I have no idea why it works on my pimples.)


Active member
Their foundations are where it's at for me but unfortunately I find that their skincare line kind of sucks for me. I use dermalogica and couldn't be happier with it.


New member
The Clarifying lotion have alcohol in for evopation only! It not the traditional alcohol in it. If the clarifying lotion stings or burns it is the wrong one. It should tingle not burn. The DDM lotion is for dry skin. the gel should be used by oily skin. The skin care is very good but you should be skin typed correctly not going by guessing. There are 8 questions that the consultant should ask to figure out the right products for you. It is not one type for all. Please feel free to ask me any questions.


Well-known member
I ended up getting the acne solutions kit, and as I thought it might, it was too harsh for my skin. Just because someone has pimples doesn't mean that their skin is automatically dripping with oil!! Clinique needs to realize this.

I have very slightly oily skin in my t-zone and normal to dry cheeks (depends on the weather), and typically breakout only on my cheeks, not my t-zone, and I fall into type 2 according to the quiz on the website (DO NOT go by those little marker things at the counter! They are not accurate. Check the website's profiler first). The product is marketed as safe for all skin types (1-4) but with the way it treated my skin, IMO I'd say it's better for types 3 or 4.


Well-known member
My face recently started breaking out pretty bad, worse my skin has ever been in my entire life and since I'm so pale, a pimple is like WOAH!!! So I went and bought Clinque and my skin is totally clear again. I can get away with just tinted moisturizer and a setting powder!!!

I say give it shot, and thats all any of us can say. EVERYONE has different skin. My best friend has flawless skin and all she uses is a plain bar of soap, I think its like men's soap or something. Whereas my other friend pays like $200 for some ungodly skin care system and gets regular facials PLUS she takes medication for her ance.

So really its up to you. Skincare is a trial and error type thing, you just have to keep trying until you find what works for you. I know it sucks, but once you figure out what works, its more than worth it.

Oh and also...if you're not already on it...
try Birth Control.

Once I started The Pill I noticed a change in my skin within a month (this was before I started using Clinque). So yeah...whatevers.



Well-known member
When I returned the Acne Solutions Kit the other day, the SA actually listened to what I had to say about my skin, I ended up exchanging it for the Mild Liquid cleanser and the Clarifying Lotion #2. First off, I LOVE the cleanser. Doesn't dry my skin out at all after washing. Still mixed feelings a/b the clarifying lotion (which the SA said is a "mild exfoliant" not a "toner", haha), but it doesn't suck completely. And I got a sample of the Dramatically Different lotion (the gel sucked, apparently b/c it's not for my skin type), and it's cool, but I am watching for any potential reactions, but for the most part, my skin feels super comfortable, which hasn't happened in a long while.

*crosses fingers, lol*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
If you have combination skin or sensitive skin. STAY AWAY!
The chemicals in these products are STRONG and not made for all skin types.
I have been using Neutrogena after that and I love it!

I have combination skin and I used Clinique a few years ago for my skin care. It didn't make me break out or anything but their products are very strong - like people have said, especially the toner!
I too have switched to Neutrogena now and the results are even better, and the products are much milder.

The only Clinique 3 step product I use now is the moisturizer.


Well-known member
I found clinique about 8 weeks ago and omg my skin is amazing now! I dont like the first step of the 3 step so I just use no 3 toner ( I have combi skin) and dramatically different gel. In addition Im also using the total turnaround lotion and have just started to try the new skin tone corrector which makes my skin feel amazing after applying.

Its the time of month week again and normally I am used to having 3/4 large painful cysts around about this time but since I have started my new routine I havent had one single spot its amazing. A lot of people have commented on how even my skin is now and for the first time in 34 years Im loving my skin to bits!

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