I've had clogged pores forever but never ever get pimples. It's really weird. LOL.
Anyhoo...I've tried all sorts of Rx topicals from my derm and as a woman of color, let me warn you about using things like Retin A and even Tazorac. They have the potential to lighten your skin more than desired, and they are also very irritating. Also, be very very careful using the nose strips if you end up with a prescription for any type of retinoid. IT WILL PEEL YOUR SKIN OFF! No lie.
What has been working for me is a combination of Azelex cream (rx azelaic acid) and glycolic acid. I still get some clogged pores, but my skin tone is even and the texture is smooth. Azelex also helps with hyperpigmentation and is an antibacterial so in a way, it helps with pimples and clogged pores.
Good luck and keep us updated!