!!!!!Coastal Scents Controversy!!!!! PLEASE WATCH


Well-known member
Originally Posted by traxter
Well I guess it's funny..but I REALLY DON"T WANT TO INHALE 100% SILICA..and it's SAD that Coastal Scents doesn't care enough about it's customers to provide proper labels and warnings!!

What kind of labeling:

Contains 100% silica which poses absolutely no risk to you unless used in a fashion other than for cosmetic purposes.

Do not snort under any circumstance... we do not care how yummy our products smell or how intoxicated you may be while prepartying to go out for the night.
__________________________________________________ _________________
Damned these big ol fluffy brushes and the amount of finely milled powders they can hold!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by traxter
And in California I heard there is a proposition to ban silica.

As I hear the distant cries from the ladies in Orange County...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by traxter
Well I guess it's funny..but I REALLY DON"T WANT TO INHALE 100% SILICA..and it's SAD that Coastal Scents doesn't care enough about it's customers to provide proper labels and warnings!!

If you inhale 100% silica it's because you've chosen to. Except in very rare cases you should be able to apply powder around your nose and mouth while holding your breath and not inhaling.

Don't have a go at Coastal Scents because they use silica powder. MUFE HD Powder is also 100% silica powder. Oodles of M·A·C products use silica powder as an ingredient too.

Coastal Scents does put full MSDS information on its website. Does M·A·C do that? No. Does MUFE do that? No.

I am absolutely 100% happy defending the safety of Coastal Scents products. I cannot defend the way they dealt with a customer though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ninaxmac
I know it's the powder's thats caused the controversy, but who knows if their brushes are being contaminated to. SO glad I listen to the little chatter going on inside of my head.

The powder certainly isn't contaminated so why should the brushes be?


Well-known member
I've ordered once from CS and all went OK, I wasn't impressed about all the products but the experience was not negative. But this incident (and others) has made me decide that I won't be purchasing from them again. I will find other sources to get me my stuff and wont use a company that badmouths their customers from having a opinion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
The powder certainly isn't contaminated so why should the brushes be?

She's listening to the chatter in her head, maybe you shouldn't disturb her.


Well-known member
Re: PLEASE READ:about coastal scents(very bad news)

I'm glad she defended herself. Coastal Scents also attacked another youtube guru Makeupsquare. I am glad she made that video.


Well-known member
Re: PLEASE READ:about coastal scents(very bad news)

Originally Posted by almmaaa
I'm glad she defended herself. Coastal Scents also attacked another youtube guru Makeupsquare. I am glad she made that video.

I am also glad she defended herself and got the word out that CS does not handle affairs appropriately.

But she really should have done more research before going on her tirade. Because not only does it look bad on CS but it does on her now also.

I wouldn't be surprised if a cease and desist or some order isn't put out for tainting their product image. I can fully understand that their code of conduct is highly inappropiate but to bad mouth a product and put that kind of fear into consumers can also have it's back lash.


Well-known member
I mean, whether or not there is a true danger for product use, that is a really immature way to confront a problem with a customer who is sincerely concerned about product safety. It's not like she was starting some sort of malicious smear campaign against the company's products. I don't have a problem using silica but I do have a problem with buying products from a company that insults its customers.


Well-known member
She wasn't bad mouthing a product at all, she was raising a concern as a concerned customer and spurning on viewers to look into the issue and to do some research before buying. The people who were badmouthing were those affiliated with CS, instead of just replying to the concerns of customers in a rational, and professional manner.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I had been considering ordering a few things from CS, now I will never give them by my business. Thank you


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
She wasn't bad mouthing a product at all, she was raising a concern as a concerned customer and spurning on viewers to look into the issue and to do some research before buying. The people who were badmouthing were those affiliated with CS, instead of just replying to the concerns of customers in a rational, and professional manner.

So why is everyone just now concerned with breathing in these spheres?

Sorry I am in a slap happy type of mood some info could have possibly flown over my head, catch it for me if you may.


Well-known member
I watched it when it first got posted and then watched it again just a few minutes ago. Seems to me like she came off rather vindictive.

To my knowledge what she just did could merit legal action. With Coastal Scents winning. I could be wrong.


Well-known member
I'm quite ambivalent on this question because is a 'wtf' topic for me since I started makeup.
The perception people have of the words CHEMICAL, NATURAL and MINERAL just for fun... I mean: don't you people understand some can be the 3 at the same time? and like.. a lot of things can qualify?

I see all the raves about mineral makeup but mineral makeup isn't less dangerous or better for you then a ''chemical'' one. Both can be great or dangerous depending what you put in it and where the components come from, because they could have been expose to other harmful stuff.

How many times did I read post with people saying: OMG this is a counterfeit eye shadow you shouldn't put that on your eyes who knows whats in there!!!!.. Guess what.. there's about the same things in every cheap eyeshadow, they don't throw in cyanide for fun. Basic cheap eyeshadow from china that's all.

Peopleplease learn a little more about what is in your life, what you are, what you need... basic science knowledge could benefit every people on earth. and life would be better I'm sure.

That said:
My concern for the coastal scent silica powder is the size of it. This powder act as if it was the same size as spores: when you shake it a bit, or move it, or open the jar , it literally makes a cloud. That what still bothers me even after the : yes silica is not harmful if not inhaled.. so what about that?

Hell I think now I'll have to do a research on pubmed before I know if I can use that.

And yeah absolutely : DHMO is dangerous.

Oh and about coastal scents: I only asked them one question once and they were very rude, didn't buy from them since then.
(Was having an issue, couldn't select other shipping method then a ridiculously priced one even if other better one where showing available.. They answered me rudely to just select an other one.. Yeah like if I didn't try that 30 times before contacting them..)


Well-known member
Something tells me this proprietor of Coastal Scents is going to really regret the way she handled business.

They may think 'what's one less customer?', but one person's experience can really be telling of how they as a company conduct themselves, and cause many would-be or current customers to look elsewhere.

What a shame.


Well-known member
This will have lost them dozens, if not hundreds, of customers - many of whom have been lost for the wrong reason (product safety) rather than bad customer service.

Coastal Scents is a young company and it's still learning. This will be a good but expensive learning experience for them.


Well-known member
Silica in cosmetics.

read that it should clear up any outstanding concerns about silica in cosmetics. bottom line: silica is safe in the form it is being used in cosmetics. she sites her sources. there is not health risks regarding silica for cosmetic use.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KristyVictoria
It saddens me how few people tried to investigate the source of this information or think for themselves. Just because someone said so on you tube doesn't mean it's true.

Absolutely. Lack of education and/or misinformation can do more harm than good, and hype & sensationalism is almost always the end result.....

Nobody doubts the genuine concern, but a little more thought and perhaps some COMPRREHENSIVE research might have been done before this posted so publicly on youtube.

I have to agree with others when it was said that this almost amounts to slander, and while I may not agree with the way the company handled this, she could well find herself in hot legal water for having done it; and I am almost as sure that CS would win.

Originally Posted by caffn8me
Please let's have no more uninformed scaremongering about safety.

Amen to that.


Well-known member
so it was Silica that whitney houston was all cracked out on!! dammit!! *shakes fist* i knew it!! she's way too rich for crack! i'll be damned..