You know that one minty gum commercial where the guy dances through the security check point at an airport while removing his belt and stuff? That commercial just BUGS me!!!
I used to LOVE the milk shake commercials for Dairy Queen with some guy literally dancing and shaking a cow while that Kelis Milkshake song plays. I thought they were hilarious.
Originally Posted by xmrsvindieselx head on! hahaha
i effin HATE the sour skittles commercial where the guy is being milked. ew.
i was waiting for someone to mention this, it seriously disgusts me.
Omg the worst commercial is this one for a pregnancy test and it shows the strand of know i found the link for it.
Just watch it, it's horrid.
Originally Posted by SumtingSweet I hate hate the Geico lizard commercials. He's not even funny anymore
I do LOVE the Berries & Creme commercial! And I LOVE the Snickers commercial with the guitar.
"Happy peanuts soar over chocolate covered mountaintops and waterfalls of caramel. Prancing nougat in the meadow sings a song of satisfaction to the worrrrld."
hahaa my boyfriend LOVES that snickers commercial. He literally snaps his neck to turn and watch it...he says the song is soothing LOL. i just like how the black guy starts to sing with him and starts smiling....oh my god that commercial is just great!
Originally Posted by macslut They are horny for a reason....the Axe makes them that way. I have a friend whose boyfriend USED to wear Axe....she was horrified and bought him real cologne.
I HATE with a passion the "itch you can't scratch" commercial that implies every woman with feminine itch turns into the unibomber. You know the one, attractive woman looking in the mirror, then a look comes over her face, and then you see her in her unibomber costume in the mirror. All the while, the voice over is talking bout that uncomfortable, embarrassing itch that you can't scratch. People, it is too much information.
And speaking of false eyelashes. In an ad in the Avon catalog, they had a close up on Selma Hiack (sP) eyes and you could see the skin line between her natural and false eyelashes. Apparently no one looked at the ad before publishing it.
LoL whoops...i guess thats whats making them horny. My boyfriend wears axe spray occasionally but it smells really good lol. he has the deodorant (which is really good). I mean I like it, but it doesn't make me rip off his clothes and say BOM CHICKA WAH WAH OOOH YEAH.