Comparing Skin Tones


Well-known member
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this and this thread is more of a "survey".
But would anyone be interested in a thread where we post pictures of ourselves to see what for example an NW15 looks like compared to an NC45. or is there already an exsisting thread? I personally think it could be interesting and helpful?

So pretty much I would post an accurate picture of my self with no foundation in natural light and put what shade of foundation/ concealer (sp?)/ powder i am.
Its just an idea.


Well-known member
I think it would be interesting. It sure would help to see if make-up for one person can look good on another!

But it probably wouldn't work too well. =(
It's pretty hard to get a good idea of how different skin tones might look. There's too many factors, like different kinds of lighting. Even natural lighting can look different just a minute or 2 later. It's hard to tell.