Computer issues!


Well-known member
Hey ladies..I think this is where I can post this...?

I have windows xp version 2002 ( i guess its old ) lately it's been shutting off without warning when i'm watching a movie. I dont know if it's over heating (fans) or if it's just on its last leg. It's at 31% usage I know.. will defraging help?? I've tried all i know
My poor comp, I didn't know what I was doing to it when I got it ( @ 17 y/o im 23 now )

If any of you know some things I can check or try... pls let me know! Eventually, i'm going to have to get a new comp. but I dont see it happening anytime soon $$

Or if you know of any great rent to own places??? lol T.I.A!


Well-known member
Don't ever rent to own a computer because the parts depreciate too fast and you pay too much overall. You may end up paying twice as much or more for the computer.
Is it only shutting down during movies? is it only 1 movie or does it shut down when you play any movie? Does your computer automatically restart after it turns off?
Go to and get spybot search and destroy and adaware 2007. These are 2 free spyware, trojan, worm, virus removing software if that is the problem.
If it is your fans you can open up the case when the computer is on and see if it is spinning right or has any weird noises coming from it.
When you defrag it should tell you whether or not defragging needs to be done, but I don't think that is the problem.
Finally make sure windows is updated.
If you have anymore details about it shutting down let me know.
It could be a short somewhere or your power supply dying, it is more than likely a hardware problem. It's difficult to say without seeing the computer.


Well-known member
OK def wont rent to own then. I figured that would be the only way I could get one now, but forget it

It shuts down on any movie on I always restart before watching a movie. Sometimes it'll let one fully play, then shut off.. other times it'll get 5 mins in and shut off, real random. Comp doesn't restart itself. It's weird.. it cuts off (black screen.. cant hear it running anymore ) but the green light on the modem is still on.. but clicking it wont turn it off or on. I have to go to the wall and un plug it for a couple seconds then re plug and i can turn it back on.

The fans seem to be working fine right now.
I updated windows already.. I will go to now.

When i went to check the defraging out its at 31% free space and 10.33gb of free space That doesn't seem like a good numbers :/


Well-known member
sounds like its....

#1) old
#2) overheating, which means it will turn off randomly (especially when running a big application like running a movie n stuff or it's working a little harder) and overheating can also ruin display drivers which means your computer screen will turn black/look all fuzzy/pixeled.

do you have a pc or a laptop? what brand is it?


Well-known member
sounds about right.. i figured had to be over heating just because its when something big is going on. i have alot of pages opened right now and its fine.

is there anything i can do for the over heating?? or just stop watching movies until i get a new pc?

its a PC and brand is HP


Well-known member
the only scary thing about a heating problem in your pc is that sometimes it'll start to ruin other parts and really cut the lifespan of your computer short :/

what you can do is get one of those compressed air cans and open the back of your pc and actually clean your fans off. sometimes they can get really dirty and dusty and not run as well. this might help!

or just try and hire a geek to come by and look at it. i know that can be expensive, but it might be better than breaking something if you're not too sure what to do

or... (what i always do...) google it!


Well-known member
It could be nothing more than a faulty power cord and try a different power outlet. The power light for the modem stays on because its still connected to the network card on the computer which still gets power even when off.
As for defragging go ahead and try it, do it before you go to bed because it will take a few hours.
Just to test a theory you can try: okay here goes....
On the desktop right click anywhere and select properties. Then go to the screensavers tab and make sure it isn't set to go to a screensaver after a certain amount of time. Or just turn off screensaver totally and while at that same page, at the bottom right there is a power settings button, click that and make sure you select always on profile and change the disk and monitor settings to always on and never turn off. CLick apply, close out all the open windows.

Personally I would not use This could be the reason your computer turns off. It could be just compatibility issues since you are always at the site when the computer turns off. If you aren't at the site and it doesn't turn off you'll know it was their site. The owners of the website are stupid and opening themselves and you to the feds for pirating movies. Their disclaimer at the bottom of the page is not good. Torrent sites are a little safer but not 100%.


Well-known member
I would say that it's time for a new last cpu did that and taking it apart certainly wasn't enough. It was 6 yro at that point and you normally replace cpus by a 5yr mark.


Well-known member
your right pumpkincat.. that site may be a big problem.. i just read the disclaimer

i turned the screen saver off and all those settings under power schemes are on "NEVER" under the hibernate tab up top..its clicked "Enable" does that do anything?

iiifugaziii its reallly dusty back their.. i never payed attention before.. hmm

if this prob pops up while im doing anything else i'll holla at the geeks!!


Well-known member
I agree with iiifuagziii - it's probably heating up and old --overly taxed by the effort of playing films.
Will mention if to my computer-nerd partner though n see what he thingks! (He usually builds/fixes all mine for me).

And the dust will allow it to heat up more, clog the fans etc. It's amazing how vilely dusty the inside of a computer gets!

Edit 10/03 to add: he agrees.