Concealer Dry out help


Well-known member
hey guys,
I recently splurged on laura mericer concealer and bobbi brown corrector to replace my almay stick(which caked and dried out terrible), and now I still have the same problem! I have to wear concealer every day due to heriditary circles and allergies

I used kiehl's abesyne(sp) cream underneath, let that set, then the corrector then the lm concealer, it looks great for 3 hours and then it dries up and cakes like no other!

I tried olay effects eye cream underneath with just the concealer, did the same thing.

I tried the first method and then seting with soem revlon powder and it looked like i wiped my eyes with flour.

I know the BB girl said my eyes are really dry but I'm trying to use cream ove rmy moisterizer every day now and its still not clearing up!

What am I doing wrong and how can i fix this? Thanks so much!


Well-known member
maybe you are not moisturizing enough?

I have a similar problem and I have to when I take my makeup off at night use an undereye night cream (I use LM's as well but I've heard good things about other products) and go to sleep with it on and then when i wake up in the morning I use the LM's again (it's supposed to be used at night but I still use it) and let it set then apply my under eye makeup.


Well-known member
I used to have the same problem, but I'm liking the results I'm having with MAC's Fast Response Eye Cream as a primer.


Well-known member
Try mixing your concealer WITH the moisturizer. Put the moisturizer on first, then mix the concealer well until its warm, then apply. If you don't like the idea of mixing moisturizer with concealer, try mac's fix+ and mix the concealer with it. Don't forget to mix til its warm, blends better that way.