Concealer, Paints, or Shadesticks for base?


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Which will work best to keep my es looking beautifully bright and vivid all day long! And no creasing?

Some people say concealer works just as well for an es base...anyone?


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I think that realy depends on what eyeshadow texture you're using, and also what works for you. For myself, I use paints for most everything, but when I'm using a Lustre forumla shadow I use the shadesticks. The reason for that is it grabs the color and glitter so it doesn't fall, it'll last all day for me.


Well-known member
I would go for paints!!!
A lot of girls are in love with them and I think I'll have to get my first one soon!


Well-known member
I love shadesticks, I find them the stickiest and e/s stay's on really well with them.
Concealer is probably the worst base you can use (well for me it is anyway) as it makes e/s crease whithin the hour.


Well-known member
I like to use Urban Decay's Primerpotion w/ either a shadestick or paint. Shadesticks are probably the easiest to use and sticky enough for e/s to stay on. But the combo makes it really stay. I went to a club and amidst all the activity my e/s was still perfect =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VuittonVictim
I would go for paints!!!
A lot of girls are in love with them and I think I'll have to get my first one soon!

Woman! You had one
But it's mine now


Well-known member
I asked this question to a MAC MA on the live chat on their website, and she told me that if you have oily eyelids, paints are best. They both do a wonderful job keeping the e/s crease free, but paints tend to wear longer on those with oily eyelids. She said for alot of people, it's just a matter of preference. Most prefer one over the other. I don't have either yet, but am hoping to purchase one of each soon. Hope that helps!


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Concealer always creases on me....I usually use a paint. The shadesticks really give the color some punch but I have to do a lot of tugging on my lid to apply them so I don't use them quite as much.


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I first started with paints, which I love because they make your shadow last forever and never ever crease. However, when I use paints I apply a thin layer of cream color base overtop to help the shadow adhere. I recently started buying shadesticks because they're available in a better colour range, they work equally as well as paints. Shadesticks are like a paint and ccb combined so I just put my shadow on right over top. Perhaps start with shadesticks?


Well-known member
I have very oily lids, and find that even paints crease on me. But now I use UDPP first. Then a shadestick underneath if I want a more vibrant colour. Fluidlines are another great base that people seem to be using more, and more.
I thinks it's all a matter of personal taste.


Well-known member
Urban Decay Primer Potion!!!

You can use paints or shadesticks over it if you want a colored base. But the primer potion is what stops creasing and fading.


Well-known member
ruby_soho said:
However, when I use paints I apply a thin layer of cream color base overtop to help the shadow adhere. QUOTE]

that's my favorite thing to do! It really helps with some of those lustre eyeshadows that just won't show up sometimes. (apply good coat of paint with 242 brush, wait a minute or two till it's dry, then apply a good layer of ccb with same brush). The shadesticks are nice too, but my favorite is the paint, then ccb on top of it. (don't use concealer, that's not an eyeshadow base and it'll crease up on ya. buy something that's made specifically for eyeshadow bases.


Well-known member
Paints for me, and fluidlines as well. I would probably use the fluidlines more often, but I haven't got as many shades in my collection to choose from. The FL are more lightweight and don't add as much texture and sparkle, IMO, as the paints do. The downside is that they dry quicker, so you have to work faster.
I'm not a big fan of the shadesticks. It seems like I can't use them enough before they start to get dry and start breaking.


Well-known member
I have very oily lids, so I prefer paints.
I'll use shadesticks on top of a paint, but not alone.


Well-known member
I'm just gonna add a late, and no doubt unpopular response. I love Mac's Prep n Prime eye. I know a lot of ladies don't really like it, but I don't have oily lids and find that it stops creasing and my shadow never fades during the day. Plus because it's colourless there is no alteration to the shade of the shadow. I don't use paints or shadesticks.


Well-known member
i personally like paints but i also use CCB's and whil ein a pro store a MA recomennded trying piants with a ccb over it to really grab the color.