Constantly Tired?


Well-known member
Is anyone else constantly tired, no matter how well or long you sleep your always just tired? I'm also always cold, everyone around me will be hot and I'll be freezing cold. I noticed this awhile back, but I've never thought much about it because I've become used to it. Any ideas on why this may be?


Well-known member
Yup, but I'm an insomniac so it might be that I'm so far behind on sleep that it doesn't make a difference if I have a good night or not.


Well-known member
I think it's different, but I understand what your saying.
I used to have the worst time getting to sleep and I would constantly wake up and not be able to get back to sleep. I still have that every once in awhile, but not every night like I used to.

I think this whole being tired all the time thing really started about 3-4 years ago after I was hospitalized, but I'm not sure.


Well-known member
you know i've noticed that too.

i mean this is literally my cycle:
Go to bed at 1:15 AM wake up at 8:00 AM do stuff around the house or go to class come back around 10:00 AM go back to bed sleep till 2:00 PM get up go to class come back at 4:00 Sleep till 6:00PM Wake up clean the house etc 8:00 PM Go to sleep wake up at 10:00 PM Watch the news and 1:15 go back to sleep

Its crazy. I'm not depressed but I am stressed out. I dont know. Maybe it's just the time of the year?


Well-known member
There are a number of possible causes but you should check this out with your doctor. I have had the same problem and a blood test has revealed that I have a low level of thyroxine. It's an easy fix if that's the problem.

Certainly something that's worth checking out.


Well-known member
My mom has mentioned a number of times wanting to take me to get a blood test to see if I'm anemic [spelling?], but I'm not exactly the biggest fan of blood tests and I think that the tiredness has come up with the doctor, but they never mentioned getting tested for anything.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I would check with a doctor. You haven't started any new medicines or had any changes to your schedule? Well-rounded diet, etc.?

For energy, I like short naps (20-30 min.) I'm not a big fan of caffiene.


Well-known member
I'm not on any medications that would have this effect, all I take is something for sinus/allergy probs. and it isn't ones that makes people drowsy. Schedule is somewhat different than before, but not all that drastic. I am a caffene person, but it has never made a energy difference for me, at least not a noticable one. I can never seem to nap, no matter how tired/sleepy I am, I'll try giving it another try sometime soon.

I've been wanting to call my doctor's office line where you can ask questions to a nurse, so I'll probably do that sometime soon.

This hasn't come about recently. I'm not positive on when it started though.


Well-known member
You might not be a fan of blood tests but there are many causes of tiredness which can only be diagnosed with a blood test. You could wait years to find out what's wrong without one and the tiredeness may carry on all that time. It really is worth getting it checked properly.

Throwaway Style

Well-known member
I had that problem for a while, where i'd sleep a lot and still be tired, but then i just stopped sleeping a lot (not on purpose), and so now i'm always tired for a reason.


Well-known member
If a blood test is recommended I would get one, even though I'm not the biggest fan of them. I had a terrible time at the last one I had, which I wasn't expecting because I did ok at the one I had a few years before while in the hospital.


Well-known member
I am like this constantly. I could sleep 6 hours or 16 hours and ill wake up still soo tired. I used to think it was just because i was sleeping on an odd schedule, but im starting to think it might be something else. My parents said it could be as easy as a change in your diet to working out to tire yourself more. The smallest things can get you back on track.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I am a caffene person, but it has never made a energy difference for me, at least not a noticable one.

Did you quit it recently? I never thought I was a caffiene addict (I didn't need it to wake up or anything), but when I stopped entirely, I noticed a huge difference in the amount of sleep I needed.


Well-known member
I really truely believe it is the changing of the seasons. Sometimes the shift can do all but knock a person out.


i have the same problem. i actualy now have to take medicine to get to sleep. but no matter how many hours i sleep i'm still tired. i started to take vitamins last week. somaybe that will help. and i'm also going for a sleep study next month to see if theres something more going on with my sleep. you should definatly talk to your doctor about it, you could be anemic, i used to be and took some iron pills.
hope you get it figured out!


Well-known member
I actually have B12 vitamins, I believe that is what it is, I'll have to check, but I haven't taken them lately. I'm going to start taking them on a regular basis and see if that makes a difference.


Well-known member
i used to have the same problem. you know, oversleeping can actually make you tired, too

i went to the doctor for something else, and they noticed in one of the bazillion tests they gave me that i have a hypoactive thyroid (so it's pretty much just a little slow) and slight anemia. they gave me a little thyroid pill to take once a day and recommended taking an iron supplement to fix the anemia.

thyroid problems also effect your metabolism and show symptoms like being tired all the time, irregular menstral cycles, abnormal weight gain or loss and thinning hair or frequent hair beakage. so if you have any of those other symptoms, definately get to a doctor asap

you might want to try taking an iron supplement and see if that helps you out. if it does, it's probably just borderline anemia that's the culprit responsible for your exhaustion.


Ms. Z

Well-known member
Have your thyroid checked. Yes, it involves a blood test. Blood test are nothing, think of it this way; small children who are in bad health get them all the time.

When I was young my concerns were ignored, the doctors would always say I was too young for anything. At 28 it got worse and by 30 I was diagnosed with a goiter (I recently had surgery). Goiters are not common, but regular thyroid conditions are (I know a few people w/hyper or hypo thyroid).

Depression, anemia can also makes you feel tired.

P.S. Because I had a goiter & nodules, I would get needle biopsies (more than one at a time) on my neck, several times a year. Believe me, a blood test from the arm is nothing.


Well-known member
I have been like that. I am anemic and take Ambien so that just makes it worse...but after a while I learn to live through it. It's so hard though to want to lay all the time...


Well-known member
Definitely check with your doctor. A while ago, i was feeling the same. The doctor said i had severe anemia and that was the cause of my being always tired. So talk to you doctor, you might avoid bigger issues down the road (see Z's post).

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