Constantly Tired?

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Maybe it's because your sleep schedule is so interrupted and the cycle has to keep starting over again and when you don't get enough REM sleep, you're really tired.


Well-known member
Thanks so much for all the input.

I started taking my vitmains again [B Complex] and I've already noticed a difference in the way I feel during the day.


Well-known member
Also try taking some iron. I know especially around my time of the month I al lazy as all get out. Iron helps a little bit.

I have good nights and bad nights. For me I know its a seasonal thing but since this has been happening to you for years it may be a little more serious. Have you tried getting out during the day? walking or taking up a kickboxing class, even a Tae Bo tape will wear you out so you can get some peaceful sleep.

If your a worrywart that can affect your sleep too. If you continuosly think about what you have to do the next day and whats going to happen in the future you will be up all night with you body tired and your brain going. So if its psychological you probably just need an emotional outlet so you can rest.


Well-known member
Defintely see your physician. I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism which explained my tiredness, hair loss, dry skin, and weight gain.


Well-known member
I know this is a bit of an old post, but I want to thank all of you who responded to this before. I probably would have put off getting a blood test if I hadn't brought this issue up on here. I got a blood test two weeks ago and just got the results back today and they were normal!? I was sort of suprised, I was almost positive I was going to have a thyroid problem.

I'm really confused now because we know I'm not anemic, so I'm not sure what could be wrong. My aunt suggested getting a brain scan because there could be some imbalance from having spinal menengitis a few years ago.

Just needed to thank everyone and vent a little.


Well-known member
I am jsut like that, because I have very low blood pressure. It's not low enough to be on meds, but they keep checking me for anemia b/c of these symptoms. You should be checked for anemia.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DOLLface
I know this is a bit of an old post, but I want to thank all of you who responded to this before. I probably would have put off getting a blood test if I hadn't brought this issue up on here. I got a blood test two weeks ago and just got the results back today and they were normal!? I was sort of suprised, I was almost positive I was going to have a thyroid problem.

You would need several things measuring to rule out thyroid problems. Often, the doctor will only measure one (TSH - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone). To diagnose all thyroid issues you also need Free T3 and Free T4 levels to be measured. My TSH level shows up as normal but my Free T4 is low. Free T4 is the actual level of thyroxine available in the blood.

It's very difficult to pinpoint the cause of chronic fatigue and there are lots of causes. Thyroid problems are just one possibility.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ette
I am jsut like that, because I have very low blood pressure. It's not low enough to be on meds, but they keep checking me for anemia b/c of these symptoms. You should be checked for anemia.

About a year ago I had a blood test beacause my mom thought I might have mono and it showed that I wasn't anemic. This was brought up at my appointment a couple weeks ago.


Active member
Don't know if this will help any, but I used to be tired and cold all the time, and also told my labwork was all normal! Then my friend gave me her leftover Prenatal Vitamins, and I noticed a huge difference in my energy levels! They just gave me so much pep and I just wanted to do things...maybe it was a lack of nutrition for me? I don't know, but maybe you should try a multivitamin or something? Thyroid problems and anemia aren't always the culprits, try the multi-vitamin and please let us know how things work out!