Well-known member
I'd actually reccomend Clair De Lune and Phloof! as highlight colors. I've never used NL or Shroom so I can't give inputon those (sorry), but if it's highlight colors, definitelly check out CDL and Phloof!. CDL is an LE eyeshadow so you'll have to try eBay/CCO/or a trade possibly, but it really is fab. Phloof! is a perm color (I believe) and is repromoted in the Ungaro line which you can probably still find at counters and it is still up on the site last I checked. Phloof! is a shiney color but I find it's a nice sheen, not that odd sparkle disco ball look.
CDL is a light, light, light creamy color. It's not too bright and it gives that nice all over lid glow. HTH
CDL is a light, light, light creamy color. It's not too bright and it gives that nice all over lid glow. HTH