Hi everyone...
I just saw pictures of the new MAC packaging for the skincare...
It's so pretty! As miss_emc said, some bottles will be clear so you can see how much product is left (would be very useful especially for my Fix+!) And some of the products are slightly colored anyways, so they will show through, which will be really pretty. I think it will be fun, part of why I like the mac brush cleaner is because it's pink!
They are changing the 15 mL lip conditioner container to a wider, but more shallow tub-like shape (does that make sense?) so that it's more pocket-friendly. Also, i *think* the top will be black--I'm excited about this--my lip condiontioner container gets scuffed up easily because of it's white matte finish! The stick form of the lip conditioner looks to be about the same shape as it currently is, but the top cap of the packaging will be black, instead of white. =P