Correct me if I'm wrong here...


Well-known member
I was at MAC today because I had 12 B2M empties and wanted to get 2 free lipsticks. So I went to the counter and just browsed for a bit, then picked out 4 lipsticks that I liked the look of. I hadn't asked for any help or anything at this point.

So I tell the MA I want to try on those 4, if he could please prep them for me. So he got out just a kleenex and started wiping them off with the bare tissue. After he did the 1st one, I asked him, "Aren't you going to do that with alcohol?"

I felt kind of uncomfortable because there was another customer standing right beside me waiting for assistance. So he just keeps wiping the lipstick with the kleenex and just gave me this weird look, and told me: "Actually I wiped them all down this morning and no one has tried them on since."

Now, it's nearly 6pm at this point. So he wiped them down with alcohol in the morning and then just happens to know that no one used them since then? What if some customer tried one on without his looking?

I was pretty disgusted. He basically refused to sanitize them propperly with alcohol, even after I had asked. I was annoyed but too hesitant to actually demand that he sanitize them with alcohol before I try them on. I think he was new or filling in for someone because I've never seen this particular MA at this counter before, and I drop by there frequently. So I tried them on like that, just wiped with a bare tissue.

Looking back, it really grosses me out. Is this standard procedure? I was pretty sure that an MA has to dip the lipstick with alcohol right before the customer tries it on. Am I in the wrong here? But I'm pretty careful about stuff like that with all the germs on lipsticks. Looking back, I should have demanded he please wipe them with alcohol or just not tried them on my lips...or not? I dunno if he was just being lazy.



Well-known member
Even if I've already sanitized the lipsticks in advance, anytime anyone wants to try a color on I still make sure it gets dipped in alcohol again, no question. And if a customer requested it be dipped in alcohol, I certainly wouldn't dispute it! How rude...

Sounds like laziness on his part to me too...I'm sorry you had to experience that.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I don't think you're wrong.

I've NEVER been to a MAC counter or store [I've been to many] and had them NOT sanitize a lipstick with alcohol. So him not doing it especially after you asked him about it is just beyond my understanding LOL

The sanitation and cleanliness of the MAC display is something that has kept me loyal to the brand.

I think that you should speak to a manager about that!


Well-known member
This happened to me at my Mac counter before. I had a friend with me and even mentioned to her that I thought they were supposed to sanitize the lipsticks with alcohol. The MA just wiped the lipsticks on a tissue, and the worst part about it? I think this person just might have been the manager. After she "sanitized" them for me, I ended up just swatching them on my hand.


Well-known member
Ah k, I thought so. Yeah all the other MAs always do the alcohol thing, just this guy did not which surprised me. Well I guess if I get herpes I'll go back to the counter and make sure to give him a slobbery kiss. :/

What a jerk.


Well-known member
If he knew they weren't touched, why bother wiping them off with the tissue? He probably thought you didn't know any better... And if he was there since that morning at it was 6:00 I'm sure he took a break at some point- so you're right...somebody could have touched them. Hey, maybe we're all wrong..but he could have just dipped them really quickly just to humor you, ya know?


Well-known member
I know there are some people out there that just walk in the store and slap on any lipstick without sanitizing it. And he couldn't have been on the floor all day.
I would have told him.. well just point me toward the alcohol jar.. I'll do it my DAMN self!
I am a sanitizer freak! If I wanna try something on.. i don't bother asking... i'll find the jar myself and give it a good wipe down.


Well-known member
I feel regardless of whether or not it had been previously sanitized or not..If you as "The Customer" requests it to be sanitized again it should be sanitized again. It would take all of 1 second per lippie...

And I assume he never took any potty breaks, no lunch or anything he just stayed their for over 8 hrs ...blinkless and eye balling all the lipsticks for possible usage....Wow...what training is required for this position...Just 20/20 vision and the ability to not blink, move or potty your entire shift. I am impressed however...Was he cute?

ladies please don't use the word lazy ...because that was a whole different post regarding a MA that started a thread controversy...But you know what I'm thinking withiout saying it!

I would have asked for the alcohol dipped the lippies and then sprayed some on him because he probably needed sanitizing too


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127

I would have asked for the alcohol dipped the lippies and then sprayed some on him because he probably needed sanitizing too

LOL... You are SOOO not wrong... I would have insisted he sanitize it right there in front of me....


Well-known member
this is going to sound whiney (i'm not, i promise! haha!), but i would consider making a complaint about it.

if i were a manager of a counter, i would like to know if my staff were flouting the hygiene procedures because it is bad for business.


Well-known member
Ok, here's how I see it.
A) Its obvious this guy was indeed being lazy, but we'll overlook that for a second.
B) You specifically asked about the lipsticks being sanitized with alcohol, and he flat out ignored the request. That's inexcusable.

Normally I'd play devil's advocate and say maybe he was having a crappy day or something, but when it comes to a direct request from a customer, especially regarding a sanitation/hygiene standard (which is a a HUGE part of becoming a MAC artist), I think you should call and at least talk to the store manager, if not write MAC an email. There's a lot of things you can overlook, but for me, this isn't one of them.
Sorry for the rant, but I'm just appalled by the things some people things people try to get away with.


Well-known member
This has happened to me too. The MA gave me a speech about how those l/s were just put out (they were color forms ones) and that she knew for a fact that no one had else had touched them. When I asked her to dip it, she did but with a bothered expression.

I'm surprised you tried them on!


Well-known member
I would of snatched that lippie out of his hands and cleaned it myself!! Theres no excuse for sanitation...not cool. Wow, glad you handled the situation so well! the heat of the moment, I don't think I would of..yikes..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jdechant
I would of snatched that lippie out of his hands and cleaned it myself!! Theres no excuse for sanitation...not cool. Wow, glad you handled the situation so well! the heat of the moment, I don't think I would of..yikes..

I agree. I can only aspire to be one of those cool calm people. good job julia for keeping your calm.


Well-known member
Oh, wow. I had another artist from another brand come at me with a dirty brush once, and I almost knocked a display over trying to duck. It was full of dust and makeup...yuck.

I agree, the manager needs to be aware of this, because I feel like if he will do this with you, he probably does it with all the other customers.


Well-known member
Thats awful, inexcusable and embarrassing to me. It may be worth speaking to the manager of the counter who can then pass it down.

The correct l/s sanitisation process is to hold the l/s upside down and dip the tip in alcohol, keep it held upside down so the alcohol doesnt run down right to the end of product and into the plastic and therefore break the l/s and make it go all funky) and then wipe clean with a tissue. Once the customer has used it, repeat process and put tester back.

I personally dont mind if customers help themselves to sanitising if the counter is busy as long as they do the upside down thing and treat the product like a delicate flower when wiping... sanitation was FIRST thing I was taught when I stepped on counter

also.... those testers go to hell n back!


Well-known member
Even if he knew for a fact that no one had used them after they were initially sterilized, you as the customer do not. He should have sanitized them in alcohol regardless, especially after your request.


Well-known member
You are not wrong at all. All lippies should be sanitized. I don't care if you were the only customer in the store. Sanitizing lippies are standard practice as a MA.

I would seriously ask to speak to the manger of the store b/c this MA which lacks standard practice & filled w/ pure laziness will spread herpes or whatever other diseases & germs.
It's down right disgusting and not professional