Originally Posted by KristyVictoria
It's absolutely possible and other companies are doing it. I'm not saying that they should operate at a loss, but there is nothing wrong with *less* profits and growth rate to help keep jobs. I guarantee you their CEOs are still making enough to pay 10 or 15 SA's salaries and they won't be taking any pay cuts.
It's touchy, this is their livelihood. Even if they can keep the people employed because the statement showed them not taking huge loses yet, they have other investments that could have tanked. Billionaires are losing their asses, their entire fortunes because of the stock market. CEOs have their assets tied up in more then just their own company.
It comes down to simple supply and demand also, it makes no sense to keep people employed when no one has the money to buy. The sales that MAC has never had in the past is a good indication of how bad the economy is.
A number of big companies are filling for bankruptcy protection. Many have gone under. I know that my Ralph's no longer carries the chocolate I like, I am afraid to do any digging and find that they went under.
We can sit back and think that the people with huge companies are safe, but the sad fact is, very few will be untouched by this. Only a handful will come out unscathed.
Believe me that these people are losing sleep at night. It isn't just us that is hurting.