Costs of Having a Baby


Well-known member
I don't think there is any shame in relying on some sort of assistance to care for your child. After all, pregnancies can be a surprise, financial situations can change drastically, especially with the current economy. However if one is actively planning to have a child, there should be a solid financial plan which does not include a reliance on welfare or other financial assistance.


Originally Posted by Shimmer
I would hope that you're not recommending governmental assistance as the first choice of providing for a child. I would sincerely hope that you're encouraging someone who needs it to use it, as a last resort. And I sincerely hope that you're also encouraging those who do need it to be motivated to not only provide for their children using those benefits but also to diligently endeavor to make a life that will provide for the children without government benefits.

I'm sincerely hoping that's how you meant this post to be interpreted.

You have to think...
Really only people who need it, qualify for it. If you make plenty or more than the limitation you can get by with the extra costs of a baby.
I am technically a single mom.
Though I am married, but I never counted my husband, he wasn't there to help me at all (still isn't). Even when I was making 11 an hour I still qualified.
I definitely do now at 9.
The costs of living for yourself add up and with a baby they add up more.
For a single mom and one child in Idaho you cannot make over 1300 a month before taxes.
Take away rent, bills, gas, food. You're not left with much.

I'm not saying go out get on all the government assistance.
I said if you qualify. That is what I meant by, "If you can get on assistance".

I am really grateful and happy that I don't spend all my paycheck on those expenses if so then I'm left without money for gas to get to work or enough to cover rent, heat, and water. Because I'm not one to ask my friends or family for money. Programs like WIC etc are what I pay taxes for. As well as for others to get onto, because they are great (well organized) programs.
If they weren't I would pull a Wesley Snipes.


Well-known member
Look a lot of "needs" aren't
You can cosleep or atleast have the baby in your room saving you from the crazy cost of setting up a nursery, buying a crib etc
Breastfeed, esp if you have a baby with allergies who would need special formula, cost of pump and bottles $300-450, formula for a year $1000-1300.
Clothing can be bought cheap, lord knows you can always find the small sizes at end of season sales.
Diapers, $30-40 a month disposables, or try cloth bumGenius cloth diapers by Cotton Babies that's a diaper than will take a baby from 7-35 pounds, investment of $400 for the whole diapering life of the baby.

Medical, check now and see how much your insurace will cover and find out a general idea of cost, I had a vaginal birth, but dd wasn't breathing and even tho the midwife got her started I ended up paying $700 + for 5 mins of a ped cardiologist who listened to her heart once and gave me nasty looks
and I got nickled and dimed by the hospital, always ask for a detailed bill!!
It would have been cheaper for me to have a midwife home birth and pay out of pocket.

Now child care is where the $$$ comes in, some areas it's cheaper to be a sahm because childcare is no nuts, I'd call around and price it out that in your area.

Anyway to answer your question now at age 2, I spend roughly 1100-2000 a year on dd for EVERYTHING inc gifts, she has allergies but has only needed one visit outside of her normal well baby visit.


Well-known member
coupons coupons coupons,
sign up online at huggies, pampers, similac, enfamil, johnsons, they all give free samples and coupons, the formula companies give you full size cans of free formula plus a ton of 5 dollar off checks. sign up in both your married and maiden name

Ok you have some misinformation here
I've never seen a formula company give full size cans, they give small cans but that won't take a baby thru a week.
The checks they send, dwindle really fast, I was sending mine to a friend with triplets and since the coupons were being used they thought they had a great customer and they went from sending $8 to $5 to $3 to none.
And I signed up everywhere to get her coupons and that's pretty much what happened everytime.

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