Counterfeit pigments from on eBay from UK - steveslots


Well-known member
Seller: steveslots
Seller location: UK
Site: eBay UK
Store: Only M·A·C items - All health & beauty - All items

Items identified as counterfeit:

No genuine M·A·C colour names used in the auction listing - just a description and a number

MAC PIGMENT VIOLET shows shade/lot number of A16. If this was a M·A·C batch number it would indicate; First production run (A) January (1) 2006 (6). Current batch stickers have shade name on as well and are not on the box but on the base of the pot.

This cannot be an old product from 1996 as batch numbers then had five characters and would be something like 6A017

Items above reported to eBay as counterfeit 7 Sep 2006​



Well-known member
Originally Posted by madkitty
now thats interesting as I have 2 glitter eyeliners from the US that have A16 on them!!!

A16 is fine on the base of the glitter liner. It's absolutely wrong on top of a box of pigment!


Well-known member
Update: steveslots is no longer a registered eBay username. He may simply reregister and start again though.


Well-known member
Steveslots is still selling on ebay. I just checked and his most recent sale was today, November 3, 2007, according his feedback profile. Looks like he's been selling contact lens solution, eye cream, perfume and razors. Hope those aren't fakes!