COUNTERPOLL: I'll watch, listen to, read anything related to this celeb


Well-known member
Ooo I'm liking the counterpoll
Nice one!

- Directors: Luc Besson/Christopher Nolan/James Cameron/David Cronenberg/Jim Jarmusch/Robert Rodriquez /Stephen Chow - LOVE thier work and eagerly wait for any tidbit of information concerning new projects
- Actors: Sean Bean/Christian Bale/Hugo Weaving/Milla Jovovich/Takesi Kineshiro/Jet Li/Jensen Ackles (the hot brother from that show Supernatural!!)
- Musicians: Amon Tobin/Trent Reznor/Maynard/Dr.Skunkenstein/Vitalic/Adam Freeland/Bjork/Lisa Gerrard/Natasha Atlas/Medooza/Depeche Mode/Infected Mushroom/Adam Freeland/Massive Attack

That's all I can think of!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Trunkmonkey
if you like pachino how do you feel about deniro

or the two movies they've had scenes together?

I really like De Niro too..Not the same way I
Pacino, but I am a fan. IMO, he is in the same 'league' with Pacino...I think De Niro is a stellar actor, and the Godfather II was wonderful...Although Pacino and De Niro weren't techincally on screen 'together' in GFII, I thought they complemented each other well (both being the main protagonists).

I cannot think of the other movie where they starred together (perhaps you could refresh my memory).


Well-known member
^^^ Yep, it was Heat.

I really don't have any monomanic obsession with any ONE celebrity, but a few come to mind as far as appeal.

-Matt Damon
-Scarlett Jo
-Edward Norton
-Ryan Gosling
-Sophia Coppola

-Elliott Smith R.I.P.
-Richie Hawtin
-Sven Vath
-My Bloody Valentine
-Boards of Canada


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Paul Guilfoyle and Henry Rollins.

i forgot to mention henry. sigh. (gush)


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