Thats what i'm saying... I just dont understand how this happened.
11 is what? 6th grade? I remember seeing a few of the "older looking" kids making out during recess and thinking it was gross. *sigh* lol...
Edit: thinking back, I didn't even have a boyfriend until I was like 14, and I dont even think it would qualify as a boyfriend. He asked me out by sending me a note during class that had, "Will you go out with me?" written on it. And we kinda hung out at lunch and recess, and would go over to each others houses sometimes, and would talk on the phone. We never even kissed. I think it lasted all over a few months.
I do remember pressure from some of my friends though about it. Especially about kissing. Asking me why we hadn't kissed yet, and why are we even going out if were not kissing etc. Thats probably ultimateley what ruined a lot of it, peer pressure to do things at their pace, not our own.
A first kiss is a big deal... I kiss guys I've barely known for an hour in bars and clubs now that I'm older. But back then, it was a big deal.