Crown Brushes - questions & discussion


Well-known member
Esperanza, how did you get a catalog? Can you request one from the site? TIA


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
Esperanza, how did you get a catalog? Can you request one from the site? TIA

I sent an email to this address: [email protected]

You can find it at the bottom of the first page. Actually I just asked for some details about the brushes and the guy offered to send me a free catalogue. If you want one, you just have to give your address


Well-known member
The mineral brushes look identical to the BE brushes. Are they the exact same? (BE orders the brushes from them and has their label carved on it?)


Well-known member
Check this email I got back from them.

Thank you for your email. Most of our brushes are natural hair brushes Only
the brushes with orange or white hair are synthetic. These brushes are for
applying liquid products like foundation and eyeliner. The other brushes
are made from hair like Sable , Goat, and Badger. About shipping: We would
ship to you using US post office by GLOBAL EXPRESS. For a 1 pound package to
you it would take 3-5 days and would cost $27.40.
I will gladly send you a
catalog or you can view it online at
Thank you

$27.40 for shipping from the US to Europe????Wow that is absurd, I've never had to pay that much!

How much did you European ladies pay for shipping? That is exorbinant, doesn't make it worth it at all....


Re: Crown brushes

Originally Posted by kissacid
Are these any good? Their website is mind-boggling, I'm not sure what's good.

I've been tinkering with the idea of starting a brush/makeup accessories line. I've already heard good things about japonesque and asked them for a catalogue. I just wanted to find out a little more about Crown.

I like Japonesque brushes overall. I like the travel size and have a bunch I use on my eyes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
$27.40 for shipping from the US to Europe????Wow that is absurd, I've never had to pay that much!

How much did you European ladies pay for shipping? That is exorbinant, doesn't make it worth it at all....

I had to pay only $4.25 for the shipping with Fyrinnae. It's really strange, how come the shipping can be that expensive??
I've seen on another board that you have to pay about $1.50 for each brush but I found it odd too... I send an email yesterday to Crownbrush to ask about the shipping costs to France, I wait for the answer now...

Did you know they have a factory in England now? You definitely have to call there to make your order, the shipping will be less expensive for sure!


Well-known member
I sent them an email to ask if they have a European place for shipping, but basically if the s&h charges don't go down, I'm not going to order from them. Doesn't make it worth it if the shipping is almost the same cost as the brushes themselves!! Wouldn't save me any money at all...

I wonder how much Poppy_z paid for shipping since she also lives in France.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I sent them an email to ask if they have a European place for shipping, but basically if the s&h charges don't go down, I'm not going to order from them. Doesn't make it worth it if the shipping is almost the same cost as the brushes themselves!! Wouldn't save me any money at all...

Me neither, if so, it's not worth it at all

Where did you send your message? Was it at [email protected]?


Well-known member
I sent it to the regular email that is listed on their site...I guess it's the USA one.


Well-known member
I received the answer this afternoon:

Normally 5 - 10 euros depending on the quantity and weight.


David Jones
01737 556777 tel
01737 556888 fax

There would be a difference of 10 € then
? Try to leave a message at the english address I gave you, they'll tell you about the shipping costs from England to Switzerland, it can't be that expensive, well I think!


Active member
Dear all,
after reading this subject I sent an email to crown brush in US & in UK.
Yes indeed. A big different in shipping cost to Europe.

I see so many gorgeous brushes & the price is really great. I am very exciting to buy them. But I don't know which brush for which application.
I am just a beginner. I only know blush, powder & lip brush.
Can someone please help me to show which website or make up book explain which brush for which apllication, please?

Thank you so much.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Esperanza
I received the answer this afternoon:

Normally 5 - 10 euros depending on the quantity and weight.


David Jones
01737 556777 tel
01737 556888 fax

There would be a difference of 10 € then
? Try to leave a message at the english address I gave you, they'll tell you about the shipping costs from England to Switzerland, it can't be that expensive, well I think!

Thanks for the info. I don't see anything on that website regarding crownbrush though. How did you get the information for the uk distributor?


Active member
A few days ago I got an email from Crown brushes UK. He said over 1 month they have their own Crown Brushes website & we can shop online.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
Thanks for the info. I don't see anything on that website regarding crownbrush though. How did you get the information for the uk distributor?

When I send my email to this address [email protected] (for the catalogue and other informations), I received an answer from that man in the UK, I think that europeans customers's mails are automatically redirected to the Uk part. Plus there's a sheet in their catalogue that mentions their manufacture in the Uk.


Active member
Dear all,
does anyone ordered crown brushes in uk?
I just received the price list today & it is a bit big different price than in US.


Well-known member
I'm going to place an order next week (I'm in France and I'll order in the UK), I'll post the details for you.

I try to access to their website but it doesn't work...damn! Could anyone tell me the exact size of the 1707-1 brush (in the Esthetic / Spa treatment)? It is not specified on their catalogue...


Active member
Originally Posted by Esperanza
I'm going to place an order next week (I'm in France and I'll order in the UK), I'll post the details for you.

I try to access to their website but it doesn't work...damn! Could anyone tell me the exact size of the 1707-1 brush (in the Esthetic / Spa treatment)? It is not specified on their catalogue...

Thank you so much, Esperanza. Please let me know.

All the prices are in UK pound sterling not US $. I just informed yesterday.
For example the set 504 in USA is $30.34 in UK is 30.34 pound sterling.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kristiawati
Thank you so much, Esperanza. Please let me know.

You're welcome


Active member
Dear all,

I have just bought crown brushes at ebay store via Forever Beautiful Cosmetics.
The seller is so helpful, patient and the price is good. Amazing fast respons to all my questions.
I think this is a good solution for us, who lives in Europe and want to buy Crown brushes

Kind regards,