Customer service...


Well-known member
I think most people who are rude and nasty to service people (assuming the service person is being polite, helpful) are just looking to dump all the crap that happened to them during the day on someone else. People think being angry & nasty is cathartic, but really it just makes you look (and feel, at a later time) like a fool who can't control their anger.

It's a simple equation: give respect = get respect!


Well-known member
I've been watching Airport (I think? ...there seem to be lots of these shows right now) and this is SO true. Passengers can be so rude to the poor people who are just doing their job. My philosophy, generally, is that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, although I've been known to get very frustrated with some service people who weren't doing their job (my real estate agent - ugh, people in overseas call centres).


Well-known member
OK, here is a question for everyone.

As a customer, is it rude to tell the phone representation that you can't understand them and you want some one who speaks better English? And although you may not phrase it that way, what way would you phrase it? Because even in the nicest way, I still seem to offend some reps. Sometimes it is impossible to understand them due to a heavy accent!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACa6325xi
That does not mean that employees should be subjected to abuse. If someone is disruptive, combative, spitting, fighting then maybe the police or security should be called.

Exactly. So many people just see the uniform or store nametag and don't realize that there is a person in that uniform or wearing that nametag. I can't tell you how many people have thrown things at me, called me all sorts of names, wrecked my store, etc. all because I couldn't give them what they wanted. After the last episode, my managers have finally allowed us to kick anyone out of our store who we feel threatened by- it only took them two years.

As a customer, is it rude to tell the phone representation that you can't understand them and you want some one who speaks better English?

I don't think it's rude. How are you suppose to place an order if you can't understand what is being said to you? Accents in person are a different story- often you can gauge from reading lips or their expression what they want. But over the phone? imo, it's not rude at all if you ask it in an appropriate way.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
OK, here is a question for everyone.

As a customer, is it rude to tell the phone representation that you can't understand them and you want some one who speaks better English? And although you may not phrase it that way, what way would you phrase it? Because even in the nicest way, I still seem to offend some reps. Sometimes it is impossible to understand them due to a heavy accent!

It wouldn't offend me. I've worked in a call center before and I've been asked to transfer calls to someone who spoke better Tagalog than me (I suck at it) and it's fine. I guess for some people who get offended, they hear racial slurs in the request, even when there's none.


Well-known member
Hear, Hear! Thanks Shimmer, I completely agree. I used to work customer service for a prominant computer software company, and regularly got verbally abused, and once threatened to be personally deposed in a law suit becuase I couldn't restore someone's files that they neglected to back-up before installing a new software, and because I wouldn't wake up the tech support people at home several states away to help him (as if I had their home phone numbers, duh). Note: I was not technical support, I was sales customer service.

Just because someone is in a service position does not give the customer carte blanche to walk all over them. The sense of entitlement and privilege of some people really infuriates me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACa6325xi
No one said the behavior is right. It isn't right, but customers behave badly all of the time. Unless, you have your own business and you can choose your customers/clients, there is nothing you can do.

This is incorrect.
I can assure you, as a manager, I would rather send a disruptive customer away to another business than subject my sales team to the abuse. It's better for my sales team's mentality, and it's better for the other customers in the store.

That person's 45 dollars, or even 800 dollars isn't worth subjecting my other customers to their nonsense. More than once I've told a customer "I'm sorry. It seems that there's not really anything we can do for you, based on what you've said and how you've behaved today. As an alternative, I suggest you visit ___, ___, and ___ and see if you find something more suitable to your demands. Thank you. Now, (Sales Associate), Ms. ____ over there needs some assistance, please go help her. (Bitchy customer), let me help you carry your things to the door."

After that, calling my boss and explaining the situation to them, and writing it up on a piece of paper and signing it, a file was created for that specific person. If they *did* call to complain, a) me = manager, and b) my bosses could pull the file and say "OH. Well. Sorry. Nothing we can do based on the information we have. Have a nice life."


Well-known member
this was something i think should be posted in every store entrance so that u can see it when you walk in...if "the customer is always right" really was true, then why does there have to be the concept of "we have the right to refuse to serve anyone"?
that mentality does not forgive someone from being a complete asshole or taking advantage of a company/employee because they "can".
UGH, seriosuly i wish all people were just decent humans and could be cordial.


Well-known member
I have to agree with MACa6325xi to an extent. I have dealt with some extremely rude and crazy shit. I have also seen it directed at other people. I was in the store yesterday and all I heard was "Sir, I have done nothing but be helpful and try to assist you!" I was like whoa. Now, I know this particular customer service rep is a diva so I wasn't surpirised. Then the customer starts yelling back and walked away cursing. As crazy as the customer was acting the tone the customer service rep took was a bit much. I understand the frustration completely but don't forget they are still a customer. I have to catch myself sometimes when dealing with customers because I start to raise my voice or snap back at them.


Well-known member
I work at Lane Bryant ( i'm a manager there) and 99 percent of my customers love me ( 2 have bought me MAC! haha <3) but i get the occasional beyotchhh.

especially because I run the floor at 18 years old. Some customers look down at me because I'm young. It honestly makes me feel like shit,because I know exactly what I'm doing


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACa6325xi
A hospital cannot choose it's patients. The doctor or nurse can't say "You nasty ass patient, get your ass out of my hospital."

No, a hospital cannot choose it's patients. But the staff within that hospital can. A doctor or surgeon can refer a patient to another doctor/surgeon. A nurse who is being harrassed by a patient can request to have another nurse treat that patient.

I don't think anybody in any service industry should have to deal with exceptionally difficult people. Yes, you will come across people that are rude. And you do your best to please them and hope that they leave somewhat happy. But there are some customers that become more of a hassle than what their money is worth.

When I worked in retail, my biggest pet peeve is when people would get upset because I wouldn't bend the rules for them. They would argue that "the customer is always right" and many would threaten to notify my manager. Luckily, my manager supported her staff members and would simply tell these people that the rules are there for a reason and they are not getting special treatment.


Well-known member
yay for shimmer!

ive dealt with very rude men and women at Bakers. when i dont give them their way ive been called a faggot and a tranny, they scream at me, or even toss shoes at me. and all i do is say "Im sorry, i can no longer help you, i'll tell my manager to finish you up." or "I'm sorry im going to have to ask you to leave. if you choose not to i will call mall security and they will escort you out of the mall." they feel stupid. and sometimes when i go on break, they make rude remarks about me to my face, its mean and its kinda hurts but whatever. i just tell myself that i wont treat people like that and my kids/neices/nephew will not either.

every manager ive had has told me its better to lose $ from a rude customer rather than deal with something that'll bring me/everyone else down.

just today i had a guy walk up to me, look at me and say "Hell Naw Fag" and told his girl to talk to me b/c doesnt talk to "homos". i told her, i cannot help you, please leave. she said no. called mall security and they were escorted out of the mall.

thank the lord for my good customers/fellow employees who make me love my job


Well-known member
I cannot stand the haughty attitudes of some customers. I treat people with respect and kindness and I expect the same in return. These haughty people think that because you are working in a shop which they are shopping in, that you are below them. I work in a "well to do" area and some of these people seriously are living on a completely different planet. Yesterday this woman wanted one of the girls to carry 2 wooden bedside cabinets to her house around the corner after she finished her shift! I had to stop myself from laughing out loud at her. Customer service does not include personal delivery of items.. Or minding your children while you try on clothing...!

Generally I love my job, meeting different people and chatting with my regulars... but when these haughty bitches start ordering us around like slaves and making outrageous demands that really gets under my skin. The customer is certainly not always right. A lot of the time they are in fact wrong and I am more than happy to let them know when that is the case. Being the manager can be fun


Well-known member
No, a hospital cannot choose it's patients. But the staff within that hospital can. A doctor or surgeon can refer a patient to another doctor/surgeon. A nurse who is being harrassed by a patient can request to have another nurse treat that patient.

I don't think anybody in any service industry should have to deal with exceptionally difficult people. Yes, you will come across people that are rude. And you do your best to please them and hope that they leave somewhat happy. But there are some customers that become more of a hassle than what their money is worth.

Let's try to understand this one. If a patient is sick, dying, shot up, but yet nasty and combative, how in the hell are they going to have time to refer the patient to someone else. They may tie the patient down, sedate the patient all while the patient is cursing and trying to get up. Let's live in the real world. Doctors and Nurses deal with quite a bit. Their main objective is to treat the patient regardless of how they act. If the patient is truly disruptive and combative then hospital security is called. If it gets really bad, then the police are called in.

Indeed, no one should have to deal with being called names. That is disrespectful and uncalled for. In that case, the manager should step in and say that "I can help you with purchases, but in this store we cannot tolerate that type of talk." Our store policy is that
we treat our customers with the utmost respect and we anticipate that the customers will treat our employees the same. We don't speak to customers with disrespect even if they are
rotten. We take the "high Road." We let the customer know that even though they may be an idiot, we are professionals and will be treated with respect. This is why some companies work very diligently to employ the appropriate people in certain positions. This is why Apple, Nordtroms does not usually hire anybody. Apple Computer will not tolerate an employee being disrespectful to a customer regardless of how the customer acts. Try blowing off an Apple customer, I guarantee that it will go to the manager, district manager, then to someone in Cuppertino, CA.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACa6325xi
Let's try to understand this one. If a patient is sick, dying, shot up, but yet nasty and combative, how in the hell are they going to have time to refer the patient to someone else. They may tie the patient down, sedate the patient all while the patient is cursing and trying to get up. Let's live in the real world. Doctors and Nurses deal with quite a bit. Their main objective is to treat the patient regardless of how they act. If the patient is truly disruptive and combative then hospital security is called. If it gets really bad, then the police are called in.

I'm sorry, my post was not clear enough.

I was not referring to emergency patients. The majority of them do arrive in mental and physical states that make them difficult to deal with. And yes, a doctor/nurse will do their very best to help them.

My post was referring to inpatients who will argue the diagnosis with their doctors. Or request medications that they truly do not need. Patients that question their doctor's medical training. These are the types of patients that a doctor can say "look, I'm sorry you are unhappy with my opinion. Let me refer you to another doctor for a second opinion".


Well-known member
Customers can be such buttholes. I really feel for retail workers, especially this time of year.

On a semi-related note, if you get good service PLEASE, PLEASE make a point to let the manager know about it. You have no idea what good a compliment can do for an employee. Utilize Planet Feedback if you don't want to do it in person. I write a crapload of complaint letters to companies, but I write even more complimentary ones.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl
seriously, some customers just love to push push push thinking that you are there to serve them (true to an extent). What I reallllllly hated being the person running customer service is when I stuck to the rules and tell them nicely what I can do for them, they adamantly demand to have things their way, the manager is ultimately called and the manager folds to their demands. All the managers did this to every customer service worker which is an issue unto itself. Then it makes the person who was following what they are told look like a loser who is incapable of satisfying the customers. GREAT. that was my greatest pet peeve!!

exactly! rules are their to be followed this makes me think when the customer asks what the return policy is in stores (i work in a store) and you say X days, thennn they decide to bring them back like THREE months later and you say sorry no, then the manager comes out and their practically lickin their feet grrr its so annoying


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Customers can be such buttholes. I really feel for retail workers, especially this time of year.

On a semi-related note, if you get good service PLEASE, PLEASE make a point to let the manager know about it. You have no idea what good a compliment can do for an employee. Utilize Planet Feedback if you don't want to do it in person. I write a crapload of complaint letters to companies, but I write even more complimentary ones.

Wow, this is so true. I once worked in a dial-in customer service for a bank, and credit card customers go absolutely crazy during the holiday season that the sales reps and other people in customer service have difficulty enjoying their own holiday season.
For our part, we do our best to understand the fix that the customer is in, especially when they are having their credit cards denied at the point of sale! That really sucks, and sometimes, the rep ends up taking in all the abuse because of stuff you really can't control.

e.g. Xmas eve, I was working and there was a massive telecom blackout (phone lines went down for some reason) that lasted for like 15 minutes and people doing their last minute Christmas shopping were so pissed off at what essentially wasn't our fault, as the credit card company, but we got people calling in from their mobile phones yelling obscenities. That was crazy!

On the other hand, we also had a lot of great customers who left their appreciation for the rep who assisted them on the voice mail. I loved that--it's what really fueled me to work better everyday (when I still had the job... eventually, I decided getting called "useless" on a daily basis wasn't really something I wanted to be doing on long-term. And the pay was bad for getting verbal abuse like daily.