No, a hospital cannot choose it's patients. But the staff within that hospital can. A doctor or surgeon can refer a patient to another doctor/surgeon. A nurse who is being harrassed by a patient can request to have another nurse treat that patient.
I don't think anybody in any service industry should have to deal with exceptionally difficult people. Yes, you will come across people that are rude. And you do your best to please them and hope that they leave somewhat happy. But there are some customers that become more of a hassle than what their money is worth.
Let's try to understand this one. If a patient is sick, dying, shot up, but yet nasty and combative, how in the hell are they going to have time to refer the patient to someone else. They may tie the patient down, sedate the patient all while the patient is cursing and trying to get up. Let's live in the real world. Doctors and Nurses deal with quite a bit. Their main objective is to treat the patient regardless of how they act. If the patient is truly disruptive and combative then hospital security is called. If it gets really bad, then the police are called in.
Indeed, no one should have to deal with being called names. That is disrespectful and uncalled for. In that case, the manager should step in and say that "I can help you with purchases, but in this store we cannot tolerate that type of talk." Our store policy is that
we treat our customers with the utmost respect and we anticipate that the customers will treat our employees the same. We don't speak to customers with disrespect even if they are
rotten. We take the "high Road." We let the customer know that even though they may be an idiot, we are professionals and will be treated with respect. This is why some companies work very diligently to employ the appropriate people in certain positions. This is why Apple, Nordtroms does not usually hire anybody. Apple Computer will not tolerate an employee being disrespectful to a customer regardless of how the customer acts. Try blowing off an Apple customer, I guarantee that it will go to the manager, district manager, then to someone in Cuppertino, CA.