Customers can be so mean! geee.


Well-known member
Ok so I've been working at this place for 4 days now. And just today I got a complaint! argh. I made a lil boo boo on the cash register, and knowing me of course im going to ask my co worker for help! and she was helping this other lady too but she helped me really quick and I was like ok I got it! I was just a lil slow at it because Im still a lil unfamiliar with some things on the register. But the man I was helping was totally fine with the wait because he knew I was new and that i HAD to fix the mistake or else he wont get the discount on the things he bought. Anyways the lady that my co worker was helping said..."That was rude of her to ask you for help when you are helping me. That girl is so slow, your manager needs to find workers with more experience, workers who know more. Life isnt that easy." Thats what my co worker told me and she said she had no problem with me asking her etc etc.

Im like whatever! lol cant expect every person to be perfect in everything. Life would be much harder if you dont ask questions anyways. gawd. Any of you had customers that complained about you? makes me so mad.


Well-known member
Wow, sorry to hear about your bummer of an experience at work today chica. Alot of times customers are so self centered they think everyone wants to know what their opinion. Wrong! She should have kept it to herself, your co worker was fine with helping you and you needed to get it right for the discount. Don't let horrible people get you down.


Well-known member
^I know I know it really did get me down a bit. They can make us feel LOW at times when m=we make mistakes and are just trying to fix them so we dont do them again you know. Oh well if I see the lady again I will be extra extra slow with her lol. that wouldnt be a better idea but just funny for me and my co worker.


Well-known member
I am sorry to say this, but this is a typical California attitude. People here believe that they are the only ones on the planet. It's all about them. I'm sorry that she was soo rude and made that comment. Just consider the source. Bah!


Well-known member
That's too bad! I've worked in retail for 8 years, and I know how snotty customers can get if they don't get what they want! I seriously feel like yelling back at them, and telling them what's on my mind sometimes, but we all know that's not going to get me any bonus points with the boss!

I'm sure if the lady knew it was only your 4th day she wouldn't have said that, but hell that's not the point anyways!


Well-known member
Ignore them, poppet. Some people get their jollies out of complaining about customer service workers because they know you can't say anything back, and they're joyless and petty people.

Mistakes have to happen, how else would we learn?


Well-known member
Yeah Im probably going to have more of those bad customer days, i dont know how you can deal with it for 8 years and this is only my 4th day lol.


Well-known member
thats just a bit stupid, if you dont work and learn you cant have any experience! people should have more tolerance for others


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Ignore them, poppet. Some people get their jollies out of complaining about customer service workers because they know you can't say anything back, and they're joyless and petty people.

This is SO true. I used to work at Best Buy, and my shifts were usually during the day on weekdays in the digital camera department. I was fairly knowledgeable about the products I sold, but these old retired guys would come in (lack of anything else to do, I guess) who didn't really want to buy anything, but rather prove that they had been researching cameras online and they knew more than I did. After sufficiently convincing themselves that they knew more than I did (they didn't), they would get really pleased with themselves and say something snarky about how I needed more training. I would usually just smile and say, "Oh, I'll work on it!" It's annoying, but some people just have nothing better to do than make service employees miserable.

I'm sorry you had a bad day! It does get better, but you will still have to deal with these pains in the butt from time to time. I have had a ton of bad experiences with people at the various service positions I've worked in, and I think it's made me a more patient person, expecially with other service employees. Good luck!


Well-known member
customers can be so rude and annoying. when i first started my saturday job id never workd a till before but i pickd up pretty quick but was having problems with a cheque and this customer started shouting at me i was like thinking to myself one more word n i'll kik u, but i couldnt, i said to him i wont serve you if ur being rude to me its not my fault the machine wont read your cheque. so he carried on and my manager came over and he was like she was rude to me but the couple behind him go no she wasnt. my manager said i wont have you insulting my staff and refused to serve him. he was totally rude and stuck up his own arse


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pink_minx
..."That was rude of her to ask you for help when you are helping me. That girl is so slow, your manager needs to find workers with more experience, workers who know more. Life isnt that easy."

err silly cow everyone starts from somewhere. you're not born to use a till straight away. h8 ppl like that


Well-known member
i just started a new job as well, one that requires a more complicated cashiering system than i was used to. i literally told a customer yesterday, "thanks for your patience with me today" and she got the point that i was new, adding, "everyone should work in retail and in a restaurant at least once to understand how things run"...ditto. i know not every customer can be quite as sympathetic, but some people are unreal, sounds like the that lady was one of those bitches!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Ignore them, poppet. Some people get their jollies out of complaining about customer service workers because they know you can't say anything back, and they're joyless and petty people.

Mistakes have to happen, how else would we learn?

Exactly. Some people are miserable people and they like to try and drag you down with them, and others are just extremely self absorbed.

Oh, and Depecher, they are in the south, too!

I had a couple come in on a BUSY Saturday. I was with a customer, but I smiled, waved and said I would be right there (I was ringing my customer up). The man turned around and screamed at me, "HEY! MY WIFE NEEDS HELP!" He kept clapping and snapping his fingers. His wife was beet red. OK, freakazoid. When I got over there, I smiled really big and said, "Thanks for your patience in waiting for me to serve the customer that was before you!!"

Prolly not a good idea, but I think that guy was too stupid to pick up on my sarcasm.


Well-known member
yeah it would be a little unrealistic to have my manager hire people with more experience that wouldnt be fair for those who WANT to have experience. she doesnt know that some cash registers are different from others, and cant expect to have the worker know something that he/she has never done before. argh if she ever comes back and talk to me about it I will tell it to her face as nice as possible


Well-known member
I bet she could never handle a retail job. It takes a lot of patience, which she obviously has none of.


Active member
people this days are just soo MEAN...
well don't listen to what they have to say..
lol i bet that women would be in the same place just like you figuring out how to work that register
geesh people need to think twice before they blurt it out and hurt other people's feelings

and always have a smileee on

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Jeez, that woman is such a cow! I worked Saturdays at a holiday camp last summer and man oh man did they complain endlessly, here's a list of ridiculous complaints they gave me:

--A Bin was dented and they demanded a new bin

--There werent enough teaspoons (each caravan has 8 teaspoons) and guess what?! It was for a couple, i felt like saying "Wash the frickin teaspoon, not that hard is it?"

-- One customer found a bean squashed on the floor, in the corner, which isnt that noticable. She demanded that i cleaned it right away. hmph.

-- An elderly couple complained that there were no saucers for the teacups (we always put in mugs) and they also complained that the spare bed wasnt made up, (they dont share a bed on holiday appaz, and we leave neatly folded sheets and covers and pillows in a cupboard of the caravan incase anyone wanted a spare bed they can make up themselves, ugh posh couple)

-- Now this one is ridiculously stupid, i got an half hour complaint lecture from a man telling me that i didnt put enough wine glasses in the caravan and this was for a couple and each CV gets 4 glasses. Same again - WASH THE FRICKIN GLASS!!

lol customers are so snobby these days, i always make sure i'm nice to the retailers cos they gotta earn a living. I gotta admit that i quit the job after a customer said he didnt like the colours of the duvet cover, c'mon its a holiday park it has to have matching colours in every van.


Well-known member
argh! that was so rude of her, she should know to mind her own business and stop being so damn nosey! so f*ck her.
that's exactly why i've been turning my MA down when she tells me to go work with her in MAC, i seriously can't stand more than 3 hours of snotty ppl or stupid 13 year olds trying to look older (that's the usual crowd in the MAC counter here).

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