Daisy of Love?.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
What's with all the lame sound effects?

LOL! The sound effects make the show so much more entertaining.

Originally Posted by ashk36
And I can't believe none of you have commented on her little music number yet. HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA that shit was stuuuuupiddddd!!!! Oh man.

It was ridiculous! That's all you can really say about it. haha


Well-known member
was my look while watching this....


Well-known member
Her lips are so big it sounds like she's got a mouth full of marbles. But one thing she has going for her is her eloquence...

"It's like, really hard to give all these guys, like, nicknames. I mean, I like have to think of all these different names!! It's sooo, like, hard!"

Okay that obviously wasn't an exact quote. I probably missed a few "likes."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BeccalovesMAC
blah I watched part of it. I think they should of gave Heather her own show not Daisy

I completely agree!


Well-known member
I love Daisy! And I love this show so far. I think a bunch of these guys are gorgeous, and just my type.. So I'm definitely going to enjoy this season!


Well-known member
I'm glad Weasel left. I hated him from the beginning. I knew he was some loser going through a midlife crisis.

And wow, flipper. That guy has some major psychological problems. I watched the extras on VH1.com and Ricki was talking to him about how it's unhealthy but flipper thought it was totally normal. He said he felt absolutely nothing until he smashed the bottle onto his head which made him feel good. So hurting yourself makes you feel... yeah that's totally normal...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
I'm glad Weasel left. I hated him from the beginning. I knew he was some loser going through a midlife crisis.



Well-known member
I am diggin' this show.
I think Daisy has actually toned down her look and her lips and her duh factor from ROL...i thought she looked like a trout...actually I thought she looked like the girl singer in the muppet band...now she looks kind of bimbo-normal? I wanna know what her eating/working out is like (unrealistic of me?) you can tell she is self-conscious about her stomach by the way she never actually sits in a chair...more like a laying in the chair so there is no bend LOL



I am loving Daisy of love!! I think all the guys are nasty idiots but Daisy is just sooo adorable!!! haha I love watching these shows!


Well-known member
Bring the Swedish triplets back! lol.
I'll still be watching, because sometimes you need a little mindless entertainment.


Well-known member
Daisy looked nice without all that clown makeup when she was having those one on ones with the guys.
I don't think her "face" takes that much makeup very well, so she should really stick with the toned down look.

I can't believe she eliminated one of the guys wo was actually attractive.

Half N Half

Well-known member
Originally Posted by brianjenny17
i love chi chi there i said it .. i think hes so sweet to her lol

Yea, that guy is pretty damn adorable... and TINY! He's like a little chihuahua, perfect for Daisy.


Well-known member
No way, chi chi freaks me out. He seems like he's trying too hard to be sweet. It's a little over the top for me. I dunno, he kinda makes me wanna puke. I thought London was freakin hot, and I probably would've been a little fed up with Daisy, too. He's telling her what's going on in his life and the bitch completely ditzes out..."oooh look at that that's neat!!" and walks away. Then she completely forgets their previous conversation as to why he left his dad's place, and tries to ask again during their little "truth or dare." I think she has the attention span of a squirrel.


Well-known member
havent seen the newest episode but it sucks that toolbox left cuz he was toooooo funny! haha, a total douchebag, but hilarious!



Well-known member
daisy lips looks so gross. Im so glad that I am blessed with full lips and dont have to resort to plastic surgery. Her lips looks like a hookers fenooter


Well-known member
Watching these guys get ready to go out was hilarious. I've never seen such big muscle-y guys put on mascara and filling in their facial hair before.