Dark Victorian Rocker FOTD-not bad for puffy face and eyes....


Well-known member
You are so very pretty! I especially love the last picture. I hope things are beginning to look up for you. :loveya:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PigmentJunkie
You are so very pretty! I especially love the last picture. I hope things are beginning to look up for you. :loveya:

Thank you so much. Still a bit rocky- best friend turned on me and I got a horrendous letter from her tonight.

But, I will survive.

I appreciate your kind words, I really do.


Active member
You have so much talent when it comes to makeup and you always look so lovely in all your FOTDs!, I always look forward to your posts on Specktra. I hope things get easier for you soon *big hugs*.


Well-known member
Every time I see your FOTD's I always say to myself "I would LOVE to see her art"...I'm a watercolorist too (although it's just a hobby for me...I don't think anyone would actually pay for my stuff
...) You should post some pics of it sometime!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
Every time I see your FOTD's I always say to myself "I would LOVE to see her art"...I'm a watercolorist too (although it's just a hobby for me...I don't think anyone would actually pay for my stuff
...) You should post some pics of it sometime!!!

Thank you SO much!

Your wish is my command- if this will fit here.....

These are under the 600x800 pixel limit, but they might be the wrong skew- so moderator, if they are, I am sorry. I will leave them posted as is, and then if you need to put them back to link only, then go for it.

I just was not sure what to do since they are under the 600x800 limit. Figured I would let you make the call.




Well-known member

You have beautiful stuff!!!!!

I love your style!!! I really like the colors in your work, and the emotions you portray in your paintings are very real.

I mean it....I really love it!!!!!!!! I would buy it if I saw it at a fair or something (there's a HUGE fair in New England called the Big E...you may have heard of it..IDK where you are from...but there are many artists that sell their work there..I would def. purchase something from you!!!!!!)!!!

In your painting "The Proposal"; IDK if it's supposed to be you or not, but the female subject almost reminds me of Stevie Nicks (I've always thought Stevie Nicks was very beautiful).

It's really hard to pick a fave..but if I did I would have to say "Saber" and In Memory Of Pixie"...So much emotion!!! I also really like the self portraits...One of the hardest works an artist can ever do (in my opinion) is a self-portrait!!!!! I feel this, because it's one thing to look at a field, or sky or a lake and do a fitting rendition of it, because what you see is what's there...others see it too (I know everyone sees things differently, but you know what I mean)...But w/ a self portrait, you have to paint/draw parts of yourself that others see..and that's hard!!!!! I think you did a great job at the portraits....Not only did you capture your image correctly (not an easy thing to do)...but the aesthetics are good, AND there's feeling and emotion in them....HARD to capture all at once!!!!!!!

I just love your stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine

You have beautiful stuff!!!!!

I love your style!!! I really like the colors in your work, and the emotions you portray in your paintings are very real.

I mean it....I really love it!!!!!!!! I would buy it if I saw it at a fair or something (there's a HUGE fair in New England called the Big E...you may have heard of it..IDK where you are from...but there are many artists that sell their work there..I would def. purchase something from you!!!!!!)!!!

In your painting "The Proposal"; IDK if it's supposed to be you or not, but the female subject almost reminds me of Stevie Nicks (I've always thought Stevie Nicks was very beautiful).

It's really hard to pick a fave..but if I did I would have to say "Saber" and In Memory Of Pixie"...So much emotion!!! I also really like the self portraits...One of the hardest works an artist can ever do (in my opinion) is a self-portrait!!!!! I feel this, because it's one thing to look at a field, or sky or a lake and do a fitting rendition of it, because what you see is what's there...others see it too (I know everyone sees things differently, but you know what I mean)...But w/ a self portrait, you have to paint/draw parts of yourself that others see..and that's hard!!!!! I think you did a great job at the portraits....Not only did you capture your image correctly (not an easy thing to do)...but the aesthetics are good, AND there's feeling and emotion in them....HARD to capture all at once!!!!!!!

I just love your stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!

*wiping tears from my eyes*

Your kind words were a healing salve to my raw hurting heart today.

Thank you so much!

I have a person who is going to make prints for me to sell online sometime soon, - send me a message if you want me to contact you when they are done. I have to start with just a few of them so it depends on what people want first.

That Proposal is my husband and I dressed as we did for his bday last year. Or maybe it was two years ago now.......

I always loved Stevie Nicks too. She really had beautiful style. I take what you said as a great compliment.:cartwheel:

I love in Upstate NY and have not heard of the Big E, but have been told by quite a few people with high regard for art that I just have to find the right place for my work and it will really go well.

Around here it just does not go that well- people tend to like very dull colors, sedate subject matter and things that blend with their decor.

As you can see, that is not a description of my work! HAHAHA

Your comments could not have come at a better time. Seriously- thank you SO much.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mimi- The Bitty
Love the hair the color combo on your eyes beautiful you pull it off well!!

Thank you- I do appreciate you taking the time to say such a nice thing to me.


Well-known member
Your paintings are beautiful! I love your choices in color and the perspective...it's like you have caught your subject in a private moment. A lot of paintings (while lovely) don't have that element.

*end artsy fartsy moment


Well-known member
whoa dear! that looks awesome!
sorry to hear about your hard week, like someone else said--you're looking amazing even through it all!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Your paintings are beautiful! I love your choices in color and the perspective...it's like you have caught your subject in a private moment. A lot of paintings (while lovely) don't have that element.

*end artsy fartsy moment

Wow, your comments really made my night special. Seriously- it is so good to meet people who appreciate my paintings!


Active member
keep that smile up. better days are coming your way

haha beautiful pics! the hair looks great.

just when i was right about to close the window. i scrolled down to see your watercolour paintings. darling let me tell you one thing. ABSOLUTELY STUNNING. you are so talented


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ll*sugar
keep that smile up. better days are coming your way

haha beautiful pics! the hair looks great.

just when i was right about to close the window. i scrolled down to see your watercolour paintings. darling let me tell you one thing. ABSOLUTELY STUNNING. you are so talented


I just heard back from the printer- I am going to have prints numbered and signed made up for sale really soon! I just have to get a web site set up for it.

I am excited!


Well-known member
that is wonderful!
I am very happy for you! You have such a unique take on highlighting and color placement! I loved looking at your work. thanks so mcuh for sharing with us!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pugmommy7
that is wonderful!
I am very happy for you! You have such a unique take on highlighting and color placement! I loved looking at your work. thanks so mcuh for sharing with us!

I am glad you appreciate it. It is so helpful to have positive feedback about my artwork! Thanks for taking the time to say it!