Darker ladies, NC(W) 42 and higher, do you wear red lipstick?


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The only MAC red l/s that I really like (on me) is Miss Dish. Of course it's no longer made (even though I just bought mine at my counter no more than 3 months ago.) I'm very skittish about red l/s so I tend to stay away from it because, like many people, I just have a very hard time finding one that I feel confident in.


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Originally Posted by Felicia27
what do you guys think about paramount and x-s? i haven't seen them in person yet. i'm not sure if i'm brave enough to do the true red just yet. does red look bad on very full lips?

Dunno about paramount, but I have x-s and it's a deep matte-ish brown. When I got it about 2 years ago, I was really into darker lip colors but now I find dark lips too much. I use x-s now as a base for lighter lipsticks to add some depth and deepen the tone. E.g. under Bronze Shimmer or Blonde on Blonde it gives them amazing depth that you don't get from a lipliner.

As far as red goes, like I said above, I don't go for vibrant lips much, but when I do, I like brown reds. My favourite is Fresh Moroccan. It's the warm version of New York Apple IMO. I think it looks more brown on lighter ladies, but on me (NC43) my skintone absorbs most of the brown-ness and leaves me with a nice brick red with shimmer. Top it with Spring Bean or Ornamental l/g and you're good to go.

p.s. I also have Redwood from back in the day and it's nice too when I want a truer red that's still on the warm side.
ETA: Bordeaux is nice too. Similar to New York Apple but slightly warmer. Haven't checked out these kinds of colors at counters lately though, so these 2 (Redwood and Bordeaux) may be DC or HTF,


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