Dazzleglass, permanant...


Well-known member
Mhm, the manager at my store said they would be becoming permanent because they were one of the best selling items Mac's ever had. yayyy


Well-known member
Yaaaaaaaaaaay. I'm a very happy Bimbo!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
my trainer said that the prolongwears are being considered for the dealth penalty. they should be. those things suck!

The problem I had with prolongwears is that they worked way too well. I use to have to scrub the life out of my lips just to take them off!!
Anyways, I hope they make dazzleglass perm. I LOVE them!


Well-known member
hey bimbos! i'm posting this in both dazzleglass forums.

others have said that they've heard for artists, but i've got news direct from the president of mac.

they will be permanent. don't know when, but it will happen.


ok. as you were.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
hey bimbos! i'm posting this in both dazzleglass forums.

others have said that they've heard for artists, but i've got news direct from the president of mac.

they will be permanent. don't know when, but it will happen.


ok. as you were.

I sure hope it's true. I really wanted to get my hands on Bare Necessity and Love Alert.

I recently went to a MAC Store in Nor*Cal and asked the MA if they had the two dazzleglasses I want because they were sold out when I tried looking for them in San Diego. They were also sold out and I told her I'll just have to wait for them to come out again then. Then she told me, nope, they were limited edition. I told her that the MA's in San Diego told me that they sold really well and will be permanent but will take a little time before they get the permanent stock and the MA told me that it's only everyone hoping and wishing that they will be permanent but for now, they are limited edition. She said it would take up to 6 months to a year before MAC decides to make something like that permanent and rerelease them. She also said that if they were made permanent, then it would be for all MAC's. So if San Diego were to have Dazzleglasses be permanent, so would NorCal, but she hasn't heard of it. She sounded really confident in what she was saying.

But I don't buy it. They MUST be permanent! Sorry, I got to side with my SD and Specktra MA's


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
I sure hope it's true. I really wanted to get my hands on Bare Necessity and Love Alert.

I recently went to a MAC Store in Nor*Cal and asked the MA if they had the two dazzleglasses I want because they were sold out when I tried looking for them in San Diego. They were also sold out and I told her I'll just have to wait for them to come out again then. Then she told me, nope, they were limited edition. I told her that the MA's in San Diego told me that they sold really well and will be permanent but will take a little time before they get the permanent stock and the MA told me that it's only everyone hoping and wishing that they will be permanent but for now, they are limited edition. She said it would take up to 6 months to a year before MAC decides to make something like that permanent and rerelease them. She also said that if they were made permanent, then it would be for all MAC's. So if San Diego were to have Dazzleglasses be permanent, so would NorCal, but she hasn't heard of it. She sounded really confident in what she was saying.

But I don't buy it. They MUST be permanent! Sorry, I got to side with my SD and Specktra MA's

not everyone knows about this. i knew nothing about it til i heard it being talked about on specktra. then i mentioned it to one of the girls at work who heard it directly from the president. so, if an MA isn't on specktra, and word hasn't gotten to her counter, then she wouldn't know. they don't send out memos to everyone. maybe we'll all get the official word at our next update.


New member
In talking with a MUA (store location) she said that MAC pays attention to what people want and does respond accordingly (i.e. making LE's perm). Considering how popular and fast-selling the Dazzleglass' are, I wouldn't be surprised if they come back as permanent with new colours.


Well-known member
i started the post because one of my coworkers ( i work for mac as well) told me so, and i went to my RM and she confirmed! to the post above that visited a san diego mac, which mac was it? you might have run into me!


Well-known member
it's excellent that they have been made perm.

i can't justify buying one at the moment (i just bought a too faced uber sparkly gloss and one is plenty for me), but it means i can try these out another time! yay!


Well-known member
thank goodness i picked up one from a Street Fair in NYC today for $8.00 and another at the Cosmetic Store also here in NYC for 11.99. i think what i paid justified me buying it cuz otherwise the price HAS GOT TO GO DOWN on these.. so not worth the actual retail price but soooooooooooo pretty tho lol


Well-known member
I wonder if they will come out with the same colors or mostly different ones...
If anyone knows, please tell us!

Tashona Helena

Well-known member
I hope so...my counter that barely sales out of things quickly only had 3 left the last time I went by. I was like WTF? haha. I have Pleasure Principle and I love it.


Well-known member
so they have been sold out of the dazzleglass for a while well at least with an exception on maybe a color or 2 at maybe 2 out of like 6 or more stores well.... i have been wanting my ms. fizz sooooo bad and they were sold out of it everywhere and i told my boyfriend how sad i was lol and he called alll the mac stores who knows how many and only one store had it and they had one left so they held it for him which he surprised me with lol but any who..... the MA told him they were gonna restock with dazzleglass in DECEMBER! because they were made perm. but she said December!!! ahhhhh!!!!!! lol i hope its true!!


Well-known member
I had a look at the canadian website and only 1 or 2 shades were sold out.
Then, I asked to a MA if they were going to were going to be permanent and she said that she was doubtful since they just came out and Corparate could take a decision so fast. Her store actually didn't sell them that well compared to others.
She also thinks that it is weird to make them permanent just if they sell out well in the US when they didn't sell out in Canada, where MAC is from.
Unless it would be an exclusive product but I doubt it for a whole line.
I guess that we will hear more later.
My feeling is that they are relaunching some more colors in a next collection (but propbably not a permanent one yet at this stage) and maybe this is what people are getting confused with.
I heard that the MAC updates for the next collections start next week so we should know more very soon!


Well-known member
i hope they will be made perm i dont even care if there is less product in them because i love them so much...i bought back ups like crazy spent over 400 on dazzleglasses and wrote an email to MAC so i pray they will be made perm before i run out


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mizz.Yasmine
I freaking love them. The more sparkle the better the gloss is to me.

second that. I hope they are made perm


Active member
yea I agree with the poster that said the price has got to come down....I like the two that I got, but I am very displeased at how fast these things get used up...I don't like that they put less than half the amount of a regular l/g into a larger tube to give the illusion that you are getting more product....trust if it wasn't for my pro discount, I doubt I would have purchased the two that I got...

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