I'm 46 and outlived pretty much all my family. I've accomplished projects I set out to do, I want to die before I am forced to retire because here where I live in Hawaii, many people live paycheck to paycheck because it is so expensive. Even though I only have a room, its most of the money I make. I can't afford to retire or slow down. I see plenty of homeless ick people on the way to work, middle aged and older. They are homeless because they have no family to take them in. Many of them have sores on their legs that are infected, I have met some with TB. They live at bus stops, parks, the beach. I want to die before I'm made redundant at work. (There are just not enough jobs here)
In the 90's I had an MI after a shot of imitrex. I was working in an OR and my eye and face were sagging. The surgeon said he needed me and sent me out for another nurse to give me a shot-she used the entire multidose vial in my leg, and probabley hit a vessel. I was gone for 4 minutes. Thankfully I was near the code cart. I spent a week in the cardiac unit. I saw nothing out there,I didn't see lights or loved ones or here anyone. That kinda bugged me because I am Catholic.