This is very beautiful! I don´t find fault with it! : ) You did a perfect job, she will look amazing!
I´ll do bridal makeup for my cousin in summer too!
The makeup is gorgeous. I would recommend she go in and have a pro shape up her brows. the inside corners should line up with the corner of her eyes. They are a bit long. But she will look gorgeous in your makeup.
Hi, great job.
Very pretty eyes... but I cant help but think ur friend is an NC rather than NW. In the second and the last pics I feel her face looks a bit more pinkier than her neck...?
It could just be how the camera/lighting picks it up maybe.
Originally Posted by FiestyFemme I really like it! It's not what I think of as traditional bridal look, but I think it's still a romantic look and suits her quite well.
I totally agree. I think for photos it may be too shimmery - but great look overall.