DEMO for MAC employment... :)


Well-known member
So... today was my makeup demo for a freelance/on call position for a MAC counter in a Macy's in Florida. I have been inquiring for a little over a month about this job. I am young... almost 20 in a couple days, and the manager was like "well I have interviewed many and they all didn't have enough experience" hinting at that I didn't either and that I shouldn't really waste my own time. But I continued to press on. I attended the MAC stuidotalk and kind of showed my stuff there, and after it... the Manager had finally asked me to come in and interview!!! I did, and I gave her my baby resume and talked to her. Now I had no prior retail experience, and I have only been doing freelance makeup for about a year... but I do have a natural nack for it. I went in and she then asked me to finally come in for my makeup demo. I will be honest... I was super nervous. I had quit my prior job to pursue working for MAC. So... to make a long story shorter haha, I went in today. The MA there helped me get situated and she matched my model to a concealer and foundation. She then told me what look to do... and the rest was up to me.

She told me that the look I had to achieve was a "Holiday, Red Carpet" look.

I was like hmm...

The gears in my brain immediately began turning. I went straight to the eyeshadow... I was thinking... lip!

so i went with three colors... a light shimmery beige color, cranberry frost, and beauty marked.

for the mouth... I chose a burnt red lipliner... (sorry can't remember the names) and a brick red and clear lip glass.

blush was a duzy... I finally settled on a mauve pinkish my model was a NC 20.

I went to town....!!

Has anyone else had trouble with MAC lashes?! This was my first time using MAC lashes and they were a pain! The were like little accordians that I couldn't make stay still! lol

anyway... I prep and primed...concealed, and foundationed.

I went on to prepping the eye with a paint...and then did the eyes.... anyway... I thought I was a goner.. that I wasn't going to get the job becuase the lashes were impossible to handle, the lips were messy cuz my hands were shaking, and my model opened her eye while the liquid liner was still wet and got it all over her lid....

I just took a few breathes... i was feeling time zoom by, and I calmed down and edited.

And Boom!

the manager said that my color combo was very pretty and that out of all her makeup demo's that I was among the best!!

I was soo releived.

It was nerve wrecking when they got two inches from my model's face and inspected the symmetry and blending, and then they tugged on the lashes lol. I thought that was funny.

Sorry for the length, but I just wanted to put my experience on her, in case it might help others.

Here is a pic of my work!

My model w/o makeup

And here is a pic my my demo.

sorry for the low quality pic, I took it with my phone.

She got so many compiments on her beauty which made me so happy.

anyway, if you guys have any other questions about my demo, I am happy to answer them

God bless!


Well-known member
wow! she looks stunning. congrats on the job!!!!

oh & by any chance do you remember the lip colour you used? it's gorgeous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by joey444
You did an awsome job!!! Where are you in Florida? I'm in Miami.

I am in the west palm beach area
and thank you so much!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by makeupNdesign
on getting hired! You did a beautiful job on your model btw.

Fyi, I do okay with lashes in general but the MAC #3's are a pain for me to apply--gotta bend those suckers like crazy so they go on better, lol.

thank you!!

I don't know what number of lashes they were, but all I know is that when I took them off the container... they were like snakes! moving everywhere, almost like hmmm..... a worm with hair lol. That's when I started stressing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ..kels*
wow! she looks stunning. congrats on the job!!!!

oh & by any chance do you remember the lip colour you used? it's gorgeous.

um... i am trying my best to remember because I would love to get it too! lol

I know it was matte, and it was by the reds and it has a deep red and the lipliner was a almost brown color which blended in really well... When I go next time I will surely look for the name for ya


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rosasola1
I am in the west palm beach area
and thank you so much!

Me too!


New member
omg, your story calms my nerves a little on my interview tomorrow! lol.
Any tips you would like to share?

Congrats also btw! YOu did great!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by missmaples
omg, your story calms my nerves a little on my interview tomorrow! lol.
Any tips you would like to share?

Congrats also btw! YOu did great!!

oohh good luck!

the biggest tip is to have the mind set that "this is no big deal, I got this.... I am just doing my friend's makeup in my room... no pressure" And breathe! A LOT! lol um, I would also say... don't doubt yours first gut instinct on colors... do your thing
oh and go in looking fierce!