depotting blushcremes?


Well-known member
Has anyone depotted a blushcreme? Is that even advisable? lol! I've only depotted e/s and powder blushes using the candle method. Well actually I use a lighter.. I'm asking because there are some blushcremes at the CCO and I want to get them, but I want them to be in a pallete. Those pots take up too much space!


Well-known member
meh... i guess i'll have to buy the pans


Well-known member
I could have sworn that I someone posted a thread on here where she didnt use heat to depot stuff.. or maybe I WISH I saw it. lol.. UGH!! I want cheap blushcremes!! hahahah.. yea I'm not even gonna try to depot them.. better safe than sorry!


Well-known member
I've tried to de-pot the creme liners and it was a DISASTER. It melted all over, spilling onto my hand, floor, etc.. despite being careful.

The screwy looking one (top row, center) is it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mzreyes
I could have sworn that I someone posted a thread on here where she didnt use heat to depot stuff.. or maybe I WISH I saw it. lol.. UGH!! I want cheap blushcremes!! hahahah.. yea I'm not even gonna try to depot them.. better safe than sorry!

You mean the freezer method? It doesn't work


Well-known member
I've depotted blushcremes using the same method I use to depot eyeshadows -

It's a high fast heat, so the blush doesn't get a chance to outright melt. I stick an iceback underneath it to provide extra insurance against melting.


Well-known member
This question has been posted before*, and I've found Lara's method to work for me. I've depotted Maidenchat, Brit Wit and Lune with no problems of melting. There was a scare, tho, since Lune had more glue than the others!

*search isn't working for me, I'll see if I can find it 2mo.