Depotting Insomniac


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieMT
I'm so sad, I like keep a little bag which I have named my depotting kit. There's like a camping knife and fork in there, bottles of surgical spirit, little screwdrivers, pliers and all my magnets. Anyone that looked in it would be like WTF weirdo.

I have like 7 shadows that need depotting at the moment, one night I'm going to be in my absolute element. I swear I get a high off having all the empty little pots and then joyously rearranging all my shadows in a new order and labelling. Oh and the B2M just gets better! I usually start depotting late at night aswell, it just seems a natural thing for me to do at midnight or something.

I obviously need help ha ha!

I have a tool kit as well for it, haha. So I suppose we both need help!!

I did my 8 the other night, my husband even came to help me rearrange my palettes
Since I had so many, we did a youtube video on my depotting method, too! Hell, even my cat wandered over to watch it. It was a huge family event!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I seriously think theres something in the glue that holds the pan to the container. Like the fumes from it being heated up and melting probably gives us a "depotting high" lmfao.

lol. "depotting high" for sure. I just get really happy when I'm doing it, but I hate having to rearrange all the colors. I wish I could just throw em in willy nilly and go to bed, but it just doesnt feel right.

Also, I remember we were talking a while back about 15-pan palettes with clear lids. I have a friend going to the pro store in south coast plaza tomorrow and i'm having her check to see if they're out yet or whether they got lost in the shuffle of all the new stuff that came out in 2008. I'll be sooooooooo happy if it becomes a reality.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by leenybeeny
That is a great idea!!! Thank you!!!


Has anybody tried depotting the mineralized eyeshadows? I still have my Mi'Lady mineralized eyeshadow and haven't yet decided on if I should depot it or not because I'm afraid that its a bit more fragile than regular eyeshadows.


Well-known member
I use the hair straightener method to depot all of mines and whenever I do them the WHOLE room reeks of the glue! So that has to be doing something to my brain haha.


Well-known member
I think you guys are right about the glue giving you depotting high! Because I use alcohol to dissolve the glue and I don't get nearly as excited :]


Well-known member
I'll have 4 more to depot tomorrow. Yay for huffing melted glue fumes in the kitchen!

Now I'm trying my hardest to buy only pans, so hopefully I'll have less and less to depot. I'll have 5 empties, so I'll buy one more in a pot, and then hopefully I'll be done for awhile, unless I hit up the CCO.


Well-known member
I was up til 3:30am depotting this morning ..but only cos I have jetlag and couldn't sleep - lol

I'm almost done ...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chaffsters33
I think you guys are right about the glue giving you depotting high! Because I use alcohol to dissolve the glue and I don't get nearly as excited :]

Oh, then you've got to try depotting with a straightener then! jk lol!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX

Has anybody tried depotting the mineralized eyeshadows? I still have my Mi'Lady mineralized eyeshadow and haven't yet decided on if I should depot it or not because I'm afraid that its a bit more fragile than regular eyeshadows.

I've depotted a Mi'Lady in the past (funny how it was the same shadow) and it was very difficult. That thing is glued in there like CRAZY and I had to practically melt the whole bottom of the pan to get it out. Also, its domed and bigger than standard shadows so I just have it wrapped in a piece of paper towel for now while I decide what to do with it. For me personally, I will not depot any more mineralized shadows ever again cuz its pointless.

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