Depotting Shadows/Quads/Blushes/Blushcremes etc.


Well-known member
though i don't have a very large collection of mac e/s, i depot simply cos it looks cute in a pallete all together.- oh and also the free lippies are all worth it too


Well-known member
I depot because I don't have enough room to keep them all in their cases. Also I think putting them in palettes actually helps me create new color combos. I also enjoy the free l/s!

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
Depotting Blot Powder?

Is it possible to depot your blot powder and change it into the Catherine version of the blot powder case? Or can you just take out the plastic part that holds the pan in and change it that way? I want to be able to use that case over and over again.... the case is so pretty lol. For all you the girls and boys out there that are not medium toned, I hope this makes it easier for you.


Well-known member
That's a good idea if it works! It's so annoying that they have only catered to people who can use medium toned Blot Powder. Does everyone else not want a pretty case?

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
I already tried to take out the plastic part that holds the pan in and it really does come out. I just hope that both Catherine and the regular blot powders are the same size.

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
Good news everyone... you really can change the powder from one container to another. I just bought the Catherine version today and I put my powder I was I already using in it and I am saving the one that came with the CD version for when I use up all the one from the old container. So I have two mediums lol... using one now and the other for backup.

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
Originally Posted by REYNALD0C
teach it step by step! PLEAAASE!

It is actually really easy. You just need two Blot Powders, one being the Catherine case and the other the color that you are using. I just used my driver's license to take the plastic part that holds the pan in. Take the license and start at the back or front (whichever is easier), slip the license in between the plastic and the actual case and slide it around to the side (9 o'clock or 3 o'clock depending on which way you are going). It should snap out from the case. Do the same with the other. Once you got both of them out of the case, you just switch them and snap them back in. It is very similiar to depotting e/s, except you don't need a candle.
I hope this was enough help. Let me know if you don't understand what I am saying.


Well-known member
Haha! I tried it! At first it was hard, but its pretty easy! Haha I also found a good place to hide money in.


Well-known member
OMGosh I just did this and it totally works!!!!! I totally bombed my Pretty Baby Beauty Powder though. . haha it got all cracked from the pressure (ouch! XP) but I fixed it with some alcohol. phew! But man, my blot powder is now my "beauty powder" in the shiny pink compact. Sweet! Thanks for the heads up!!


Well-known member
Depotting LE shadows

I am having my first depotting experience (thanks to everyone who has ever posted tutorials about depotting - I read 'em all and they were so helpful). Now that I know how easy this process is; I want to depot everything! I have a few LE shadows (lucky green, leisuretime, slip pink, flirty number, taupeless) - is there any reason why I should keep them in their original pots? If anyone out there depots their LE shadows, do you depot them if they have special packaging (like the pretty bronze ones in which lucky green and leisuretime came)?

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
I would keep them in the original pots. What if you decide to sell it? It would be worth more in the pot, and plus you can have proof that it is what it is.


Well-known member
I depotted my Leisuretime, however pretty the packaging was, I wasn't about to carry around some lone pot. I'd never sell any of my makeup anyway, unless it was an unused backup..


Well-known member
Okay - I depotted everything except for these:
lucky green
silly goose
slip pink
flirty number

I might depot the last four soon, but what I did depot filled my palette and what is left to depot won't fill my other empty palette. I'm going to wait until I have fifteen and then depot everything but the belle azure packaging. At least that's the plan for now...


Well-known member
i only depot LE shadows if 1)they come in the regular packaging (i.e. i will not depot my belle azure e/s) and 2)i am 100% sure i will keep them. the ones i'm iffy about i keep in the pot in case i decide to swap/sell them.


Well-known member
I'm gradually working my way through my collection, depotting everything. The only exceptions are the shadows in special edition pots, (i.e. Belle Azure and Tantress).

Initially I was cautious about depotting my LE shadows, but now I am more confident, I've decided to do them because a) palettes take up less space and b) it's much easier to find what I am looking for.


Well-known member
Am I the only one??

I can not bring myself to depot my e/s. I like them much better in the pots than in a palette.
I know they use up a bunch of space but I just can't do it.
I might change my mind once I have nowhere to store them LOL