Depotting Shadows/Quads/Blushes/Blushcremes etc.


Well-known member

Originally Posted by melozburngr
think I mighta ruined my fork tho.. so be careful


Congrats on your first sucsessful depotting!!


Well-known member
Sometimes I get distracted doing the candle method and the pot goes up in flames!!!! Funny thing is that I've never ruined a shadow because I torched it. Have fun depotting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by melozburngr
Oh you bet.. the fumes from the melting plastic made my apartment smell lovely...gag...choke..


My father walked into my apt one day and says to me "Have you been smoking cigars?" Im like no Dad I was depotting eyeshadows. He just looked at me like I was


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mac_obsession

My father walked into my apt one day and says to me "Have you been smoking cigars?" Im like no Dad I was depotting eyeshadows. He just looked at me like I was

Yeah I know of the special moments in life!

I put my e/s into the oven and during that I can clean up my room a little bit or something else!


Well-known member
Congrats on your first depotting attempt.
I love depotting! My sis-in-law was the one to teach me and now I do it for my sis (she's WAY too scared she'll mess up). I have not messed up any, they've all come out beutifully (did I just jinx myself?) I've dropped like 3 of them on my tile floor while depotting but I was lucky they didn't break. :p


yay! and a 'moo' post~

i did my first depotting today. fork=hot, YES, ow! only one bit of damage, a nail gouge into poor Star Violet, but it's not as bad as it could have been - a little bit lifted and i patted it back down on top, so no loss really.

i made CD's for home use!

they're not 'permanent' and i didn't wind up using magnets, like i'd planned. the adhesive on the back of the pans and remaining on the labels holds nicely to the cd tray plastic.

i will probably pick up a 15 pan palette when i go to turn in my empties, but for now i'm kind of 'crafty proud'.



Well-known member
i depotted like 15 e/s about a month ago....i actually found it easier to use some old tweezers rather than a fork so that i dont drop the shadow into the flame


Well-known member
Re: yay! and a 'moo' post~

Originally Posted by Unseelie
i did my first depotting today. fork=hot, YES, ow! only one bit of damage, a nail gouge into poor Star Violet, but it's not as bad as it could have been - a little bit lifted and i patted it back down on top, so no loss really.

i made CD's for home use!

they're not 'permanent' and i didn't wind up using magnets, like i'd planned. the adhesive on the back of the pans and remaining on the labels holds nicely to the cd tray plastic.

i will probably pick up a 15 pan palette when i go to turn in my empties, but for now i'm kind of 'crafty proud'.


What a great idea!!! It reminds me of LORAC's greatest hits cd. Mind if I steal your idea? Last time I only bought a 4 pan when I should've bought a 15 (I was afraid to tell the ma that he gave me the wrong one but he was kinda mean so I didn't risk it :p)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by princess_jenilee
i depotted like 15 e/s about a month ago....i actually found it easier to use some old tweezers rather than a fork so that i dont drop the shadow into the flame

You can also use tongs, the e/s with the inner plastic fits perfectly between the two "clasps" (or whatever they're called)


Re: yay! and a 'moo' post~

Originally Posted by charms23

What a great idea!!! It reminds me of LORAC's greatest hits cd. Mind if I steal your idea? Last time I only bought a 4 pan when I should've bought a 15 (I was afraid to tell the ma that he gave me the wrong one but he was kinda mean so I didn't risk it :p)


yeah, sure, use and improve and pass it on! the idea came from somewhere random online. i'd heard someone putting e/s in cd cases but hadn't found a how to. saw a couple examples of people using the metal AOL freebie cd tins, but didn't have any of those on hand. i wound up using a couple "slim" jewel cases when it looked like the sticky on the pans was good to use right away for securing them. the thickness is just perfect. but the pans are unprotected so no travel or take-with this way. when i was going to lay in magnets the "regular" jewel cases fit the craft magent & pan depth really well.

and ja, i've been intimidated by counter-persons all over the place; usually as they look STUNNING and i'm schlepping in, in some kind of rush and looking like warm blech. XD it's hard to keep cool when faced with beauty AND attitude {or even just 'tude on the wrong day}.



Well-known member
Another depotting question

Do you place your e/s in the pan grouped by finish, color/shade spectrum, alphabetical order? Or it's random?

I will be attempting for the first time next week and I am so hyped! I'm getting everthing together now!


Well-known member
My first depotting

I just depotted Silly Goose and it was a success! I am so happy!

1 down 45 more to go!