Depotting Shadows/Quads/Blushes/Blushcremes etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
can u take as many as u want in one go??

It depends on the counter.....I heard it's 3.....but last time I went to the counter I had enough for 4 and the guy working asked twice if I wanted to keep 6 and wait till tomorrow to get the other ( I had already said I was going to the greenhills store the day after). But....I told him I wanted my lipstick now so I could look at all 4 of them together. But, I ended up buying 2 more because I couldn't choose between the 6 I had narrowed it down to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pinkfeet
Yeah MAC puts you on a "list" when they find out you depotted limited edition pots, be very very careful who you give your empties to.

Code word is ....." RuPaul" when you give them to the employee, you should be ok then.

I sadly, don't understand. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pinkfeet
Yeah MAC puts you on a "list" when they find out you depotted limited edition pots, be very very careful who you give your empties to.

Code word is ....." RuPaul" when you give them to the employee, you should be ok then.

LMAO! I can picture it... "heres my B2M
... *whispers* Rupaul" hahahahaha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Vicky88
I sadly, don't understand. lol

I was being sarcastic can depot LE's if you want 8)


Well-known member
I depot everything - LE or not. I really like LE packaging, but nothing will get in the way of a free lipstick for me


Well-known member
There's another thread about depotting LE shadows here.

I whip those suckers out as soon as I buy them. I have no interest in hoarding make-up just to sell it later, and my kit is unweildy enough eithout having a squillion little gold pots falling about in my bag. I even depan the LE quads without a second thought.

poppy z

Well-known member
Depotting MAC blush


I saw a mac palette for blushs. So I was wondering if it is possible to depot mac blush like the mac e/s.
If someone could help me...
I have 6 blushs so it would be perfect for the palette

Thx you!!!


Well-known member
Absolutely you can! It's just like depotting an eyeshadow.

I depot with a clothes iron and haven't had any disasters yet. There's a link to a tutorial in my signature.


Well-known member
I depotted all of mine, I do the candle method, I find it easier for me. I also find instead of popping out the blush from the front of the pot, it's easier to jimmy it from the side, pops out in no time. I don't know why but eyeshadows do better from the front, blushes from the side.


Well-known member
depotted Dessert Rose yesterday, i had my first semi-casualty
a little bit of chippage on the rim, no huge chuncks lost though


Well-known member
Originally Posted by scrapbookromance
what about blushcremes? or would those melt and get funky?

It's a little bit different, you'd have to take more care... though I'm speaking not from first hand exerience, but from the advice of the wonderful members here. =D I just haven't had the time to make usre I get it right the first time.

Check out lara's site, as she has a page about depotting blushcremes. You can also check out a previous discussion here, which also has a link to lara's site as she replied to this thread.


poppy z

Well-known member
OK, Thx Lara. I used your method and the clothes iron is perfect!
My palette is done! And I have a new lipstick from back to mac : Vegas Volt!!!!


Well-known member
I'd like to add that blushes are Alot harder to depot than eyeshadows. They break easily. I've had to repress a couple of mine due to depotting accidents.