Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows
I was at a freestanding MAC store last week and I was *nearly* refused on the depotted eyeshadow containers. I had 12 of them, and first the MA said no, but then I made up some story about how I had e-mailed MAC a while back and they said I could do it. So the manager called MAC, and she said it was the new store policy for ALL MAC stores to refuse the depotted containers for B2M, but they made an exception just for that day, and they let me use all 12. Yay, free Firespot eyeshadow! Though I was a big liar and said I had e-mailed MAC when I actually hadn't, it was sort of NOT a lie at the same time, I had read a number of posts on Specktra where people had done a Live Chat or sent an e-mail to MAC and they said it was fine. I guess those are old now, I probably should have checked dates...