Depotting Shadows/Quads/Blushes/Blushcremes etc.


Well-known member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

That's strange... I was at a MAC store two weeks ago, got a free eyeshadow by turning in 6 old containers - and the MA there told ME that I could also use the depotted shadows for the freebie.

Very odd???


Well-known member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

Originally Posted by garnetmoon
that's weird...when i was at a MAC freestanding store last week i asked the MA about it and i got the same response that melaniumom got from the pro store. my MA said the only conflict is that some MAC stores don't take the metal magnetic pans from the pro refills for B2M but that any plastic containers from regular shadows are always accepted no matter what condition they are in. i would complain to MAC customer services or try a different MAC if it's not too out of your way.

That's exactly the response I got regarding B2M too: I'd taken in a couple of the metal pro pans I'd used up and they weren't acceptable, but even the most scorched "whoops!"-after-a-depotting-with-a-candle-accident PLASTIC pot was fine. What the girl at the MAC counter told me is that they can recycle the plastic they use in MAC packaging for medical purposes, and MAC donates it for that, ergo the metal containers aren't any good....


Well-known member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

Originally Posted by Showgirl
That's exactly the response I got regarding B2M too: I'd taken in a couple of the metal pro pans I'd used up and they weren't acceptable, but even the most scorched "whoops!"-after-a-depotting-with-a-candle-accident PLASTIC pot was fine. What the girl at the MAC counter told me is that they can recycle the plastic they use in MAC packaging for medical purposes, and MAC donates it for that, ergo the metal containers aren't any good....

that's really conflicting with what I heard:

Welcome to MAC Cosmetics Online. One of our Artists will be with you shortly.
Hello. Thank you for your interest in MAC Cosmetics. My name is Sara. How may I assist you?
Evey: Hi, I have a question about back 2 mac
Evey: If I have removed the eyeshadow pans from the plastic containers, are they still elidgable for return for back 2 mac?
Sara: Hi Evey! If it is a Pro Palette refill (it will have a magnet and sticker on the bottom), you can use it towards Back to MAC. If it's a shadow from regular packaging that you "depotted", you cannot use both the plastic container and the refill.
Evey: Okay, thank you!
Sara: No problem! Save all of your Pro Palette refills for recycling!


Well-known member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

They shouldn't be refusing you, but some stores may choose to since some people have tried to pass of the depotted pans for B2M as well, since pro pans can be (but it's easy to tell them apart b/c of the magent and sticker at the back of pro pans). A thread for this just topic died down a little while ago but it's one which keeps cropping up every month, unfortunately.


Well-known member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

Until MAC tells me we can't accept them I don't refuse them. However you have to understand that the reason why so many places do not accept them is because technically you're not returning an empty container of what they sold you. Just like if you want to return a Studio Fix Powder - without the sponge in there you'll probably get denied at my counter. That's not how we sold it to you and even though we do not reuse the products we still wont take something back after it's clearly been used and abused.

If enough people write a complaint about it then MAC will probably address it as a whole company but you probably wont like the results, I'm sure they'll just wind up telling everyone we can't accept depotted items.


Well-known member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

I was at a freestanding MAC store last week and I was *nearly* refused on the depotted eyeshadow containers. I had 12 of them, and first the MA said no, but then I made up some story about how I had e-mailed MAC a while back and they said I could do it. So the manager called MAC, and she said it was the new store policy for ALL MAC stores to refuse the depotted containers for B2M, but they made an exception just for that day, and they let me use all 12. Yay, free Firespot eyeshadow! Though I was a big liar and said I had e-mailed MAC when I actually hadn't, it was sort of NOT a lie at the same time, I had read a number of posts on Specktra where people had done a Live Chat or sent an e-mail to MAC and they said it was fine. I guess those are old now, I probably should have checked dates...


Active member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

I actually had an online MAC chat yesterday with a MAC artist regarding this issue. She said MAC does accept depotted shadow containers for Back2Mac. I saved the transcript and will take that in with me when I finally finish depotting all my shadows in case they give me any problems.

I, too, don't understand the big deal regarding depotted shadows. Consumers pay money for them, and the material you take back is recycleable, so what's the big fuss????


Well-known member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

Originally Posted by mac-me-up
I actually had an online MAC chat yesterday with a MAC artist regarding this issue. She said MAC does accept depotted shadow containers for Back2Mac. I saved the transcript and will take that in with me when I finally finish depotting all my shadows in case they give me any problems.

I, too, don't understand the big deal regarding depotted shadows. Consumers pay money for them, and the material you take back is recycleable, so what's the big fuss????

I agree. It's not like you didn't BUY the product just because you depotted it.


Well-known member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

I think it's a good idea to take the trascript of the live chat in with you when you go, something that clearly has the date on it.

That way if they say they don't accept you have some 'proof'.

This is something I will definitely keep in mind next time I need to B2M some depotted shadows.


Well-known member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

Well, it looks like different people are getting different stories as to what MAC will and will not accept. I think I'll get on live chat and print the transcript to take with me next time. Thanks to all for your replies!


Well-known member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

It probably does depend on the store or counter, I went to a MAC store at Fillmore in sf and they gave me my free eyeshadow from the c-shock collection =]


Well-known member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

Originally Posted by Amaranth
I was at a freestanding MAC store last week and I was *nearly* refused on the depotted eyeshadow containers. I had 12 of them, and first the MA said no, but then I made up some story about how I had e-mailed MAC a while back and they said I could do it. So the manager called MAC, and she said it was the new store policy for ALL MAC stores to refuse the depotted containers for B2M, but they made an exception just for that day, and they let me use all 12. Yay, free Firespot eyeshadow! Though I was a big liar and said I had e-mailed MAC when I actually hadn't, it was sort of NOT a lie at the same time, I had read a number of posts on Specktra where people had done a Live Chat or sent an e-mail to MAC and they said it was fine. I guess those are old now, I probably should have checked dates...

How do you get free e/s with ur back to mac? i can only get lipstick...


Well-known member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

Originally Posted by amoona
Until MAC tells me we can't accept them I don't refuse them. However you have to understand that the reason why so many places do not accept them is because technically you're not returning an empty container of what they sold you. Just like if you want to return a Studio Fix Powder - without the sponge in there you'll probably get denied at my counter. That's not how we sold it to you and even though we do not reuse the products we still wont take something back after it's clearly been used and abused.

If enough people write a complaint about it then MAC will probably address it as a whole company but you probably wont like the results, I'm sure they'll just wind up telling everyone we can't accept depotted items.

I just think it sucks though... because I've had quite a few MA's from MAC that told me to depot my e/s, and then bring the plastic pots b2m. This was in the last 3 months too.... because I'm fairly new to MAC. I saved up 70-80 plastic pots. Now I'm told I can't? So not fair. I'm tempted to buy cheap e/s (like the kind you can buy at claire's or icing) and melt the packaging... and just take the aluminum pan out, and place them in my empty pots. Would anyone even notice the difference?

I also emailed MAC... and they said they are still taking plastic pots... but is up to THE STORE you are returning them to... as to what they want to accept. That's what is unfair to me. I'm not happy when I'm told I can't return my pots, but so and so can, at their MAC store.

I totally think you are right in saying that MAC needs to address this issue. It is not the MA's fault... they are just doing their job.


Well-known member
Re: MAC Refusing Depotted Shadows

This thread is rapidly going off topic.

As MisStarrlight correctly pointed out, this has been covered many times. When in doubt ring the manager of your local counter and verify their stance of accepting depotted items because currently it totally up to the store or AM whether they accept depotted items or not. If you're totally hard up there is a mail-in service available to US residents.

I say this every time, but please do a search before starting yet another thread on B2M, because I can promise you that your question has been asked at least three times before. MissChievous has kindly posted a sticky thread in this forum detailing B2M procedures and policies, and there is a large and comprehensive thread about B2M in the Specktra FAQ subforum.


Well-known member
Re: Depotting by freezing?

Originally Posted by xBROKENxHEARTSx
I have a question about using a soldering iron, I have one, but how do you use it? do you just hold it there til the glue melts?, i'm kinda worried cause the soldering iron's supposed to melt metal, and I don't want the pan to be messed up?

Ohhh I was reading about the soldering iron and thought it would be a great idea until you mentioned that really good point. Does anyone have an answer to this?

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Re: Depotting by freezing?

i use my GHD hair straighteners to depot, does the job just fine and smell free


Well-known member
Re: Depotting by freezing?

Originally Posted by vicuna1
I learned yesterday to never depot if you have too much caffeine in your system. I worked on 7 shadows, then decided it was best to just step away until I had the caffeine out of my system. Chips and chunks of beloved shadow everywhere. None were mutilated beyond repair, but I do hate them marred. I think I managed to drop each and everyone onto the floor at least once (and I can say that a hot pan is guaranteed to bounce once off the floor and onto your bare foot). A couple of hours later I resumed with no problem and perfect shadows.

LMAO! It is so true!!!! My hand was shaking, there were a couple of chips and Sushi Flower just died. All and all it wasn't too bad though, besides Sushi Flower (which I had to toss) they look fine, and not all bended and warped like some people's depotted shadows.


Well-known member
when you have depotted eyeshadows, without the nagnetic palette, what do you use?

i got refridgerator tape (supposedly magnetic) .. and it isn't sticking! i'm not sure if it's because i took the sticker from under the actual mac package and put it on the bottom of my pan. but ... yea. i ordered a magnetic one from ebay, but i still want to use the one i just got from my mac store. help?


Well-known member
Re: when you have depotted eyeshadows, without the nagnetic palette, what do you use?

I use a tiny drop of eyelash glue, hehe.