This I learned while depotting my eyeshadows and blushes
I used the no-heat method today. Oh what a comedy of errors!
- Don't go cheap on tools. I had a very cheap wire cutter. BIG mistake. It wouldn't cut through the plastic. A couple of plastic bits were completely mangled in an attempt to at least get close to the edge of the pan.
- Watch the pinchers! I crimped a bit of the pan on a couple of eyeshadows. Naturally they are D/C. Still useable, but still....
- Don't move your opening tool until you KNOW it's fully under the plastic holding the pan! I started twisting and turning. No, I didn't hurt myself. Yes I gouged a lovely chunk out of my Sable E/S.
- BLUSHES ARE HARD. I was using a thin screwdriver at first, but even with a longer knife, my blushes were cracking. Every one of them cracked in some way. Poor Style most likely won't survive.
Overall, I'm glad I did it. I'm sad some of my stuff is damaged, but over all it was not hard. My friend and I had an assembly line going (her eyeshadows are still in Australia!