Depotting Urban Decay


Well-known member
Has anyone tried this? Is it done in the same way as depotting mac eyeshadows? Im very eager to depot my chopper eyeshadow...


Well-known member
hi there

i've depotted the flip tops with a piece of parchment and a regular clothes iron and found it to be really easy, and no burning plastic!

just take care when handling, the UD shadows are softer than mac.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by betseyjohnson
and be careful when prying the plastic disk out of the pot, mine has almost gone flying out!

Seriously, I accidentally "depotted" my YDK the other day when I was loading up my brush. It flew across my counter, I am SO lucky it didn't shatter.


Well-known member
I followed this tutorial to depot an Urban Decay eye shadow last week. It doesn't involve any flames, just a hair dryer.


Active member
i have needed this FOR-ever! thank you so much. that's a mac 4 pan palette in the 1st depotting tut right?


I've depotted 5 of my UD eyeshadows, 4 of them successfully. I used a tutorial for depotting MAC e/s, and it worked well. I find the UD eyeshadows alot softer than MACs though, so be careful.


Well-known member
Has anyone tried depotting the Stardust shadows? I've found tons of info on the regular pots when I googled it but no one is talking about the Stardusts. I've got three I forget I have because I'm all about palette these days.


Well-known member
Following up my own question with an answer for anyone out there who is wondering the same thing.

The Stardust shadows are insanely easy to depot. Heat the bottom, slide an X-acto or box cutter in between the pan and the bottom and lift. These came out easier than any of my other depots, ever. I was worried because the bottom was rubberized and there was no thin base like there is when a regular UD or MAC shadow is pried out of the case but it was fine. Illamasqua were also similar to depot, though they needed to be much hotter than the Stardust.