Desperate for help


New member
Hi. I'm in need if help with foundation Can you believe I'm 28 years old and still cannot find a decent shade of foundation!! I really want to try make up forever hd but sadly there is no store where I live. So I'm stuck on color. If it helps I have recently used mac face an body in c3 although at times it's a tiny bit light for me I can pull it off but have stopped using as its too light now I've tanned up more . Id probably be best with c4-5. I have spent over £100 on foundations this year and none are good. Nc25 too light. Just bought nc30. Too errm orange the shade was ok but I can't wear it with that orange hint. I'm desperate now. Does anyone have any swatches of the mufe hd. It's so hard to see the colors and where I can buy it it's gonna cost £33.50 which is a lot of money if its wrong Any foundation help would be great