DESSERT! I need help...Hurry!


Well-known member
Ok, so this completely GORGEOUS, interesting, smart, funny, seemingly perfect man wants to cook me dinner sat night... and I want to make dessert!

His dishes that he is considering making:

blackened fish with pineapple salsa, with mushroom and zucchini ravioli and a spring salad


veal cutlets with a spicy tomato sauce over pasta with a caprese app.

I want to make a dessert to compare... but I'm completely stumped at what to make...

Difficulty is not an issue, I'm fairly compentent in the kitchen, and desserts are my specialty, but I'm sick of the same 'ole.

Please please please send me recipes, pix of em if youve got em, or ideas of something that I can create a recipe for!

Hurry though- like I said..dinner is sat, so I have to make it fri night!

Thanks in advance, you lovely ladies!


Well-known member
Maybe you could try a lemon pudding

2 eggs (whites and yellows separated)
3/4 Cup of Suggar (150gr)
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
2 tablespoon of flour
1 cup of milk (250 ml)

Heat the oven at 350F (180C)

Whip the whites in a strong meringue.
Blend all other ingredients together.
Add the to the meringue.

Pour into prepared ramequins, and serve in a 8x12 pan filled with water and cook 1h.
Like this but no chocolate... heheh

At the end, it should look like this :