Detailed Culturebloom product pics...


Active member
Originally Posted by stylust
Please stop stealing images from Runway.

That's disgusting for you to take the images, remove the watermark's and put on them.

just curious but why does it matter if the images are taken from runway and put on specktra she is just showing the people on specktra the pics becasue not everyone checks runway and specktra


Active member
Originally Posted by ladydanger
i completely agree.i personally don't mind it if you're showing your swatches that YOU have taken of the products from update, but to use the format that has been used by MAC is wrong. This is for employees only. Someone should complain and people should'nt be taking ADVANTAGE of a company they say they love so much.

im sure that mac wouldnt mind its products being awwed over it. in no way do i think that posting pics of the upcoming collections is "taking ADVANTAGE" of the company


Well-known member
Originally Posted by krausene
What is runway? Is it another makeup board as fabulous as specktra? What is the address?

Ewww hell no! Pretty chaotic and kinda bitchy!
I looooove my Specktra! (hugg)


New member
Originally Posted by ladydanger
i think it's not right for someone to be using MAC slides without the permission of the company. if you want to show swatches you've taken, that's a different story. iifugazii did it and i see nothing wrong with it. i don't have a problem with people seeing the colors before they come out.

the way i see it, it gives more advertising for the collections... we should be getting paid for this stuff!!! lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nobella
im sure that mac wouldnt mind its products being awwed over it. in no way do i think that posting pics of the upcoming collections is "taking ADVANTAGE" of the company

like i mentioned before, posting your own swatches is fine ( in my opinion), but using MAC slides that they have specifically designed to show at MAC EMPLOYEE updates just doesn't seem right TO ME. the company dooesn't even want us to be showing the collections before they come out, much less would they want their images shown online without permission.


Well-known member
I don't know who got the pics out first (and who cares) but let's agree to call a spade a spade: the pics are stolen, plain & simple.

Saying that seeing them ahead of time allows you to "prepare financially" for new collections, or speculating that mac must secretly agree with the pics being out for general consumption is simply rationalizing a behaviour which one does not wish to change even when faced with the fact that it's wrong.

There is such a thing as intellectual property law, and before you say that "it's just makeup for god's sake" stop to think (a) if it's "just makeup", why do you care so much, and (b) how many millions mac makes on "just makeup".

It's not a game to them. They don't even CARE about "addicts" I'm going to guess. Their bottom line depends on VOLUME. If only the ADDICTS bought each collection, in its entirety every time mind you, they'd be out of business inside a month.

The fact that the company does not want the pictures released should be good enough for you, and it's good enough for me. I'm not going to die because I haven't seen what mac is releasing next month a week ahead of everyone else.

The pictures were stolen, end of story. The person who stole them may feel "powerful" in their ability to "get the scoop" ... you only have to watch the speed at which some here have copied the links off and reposted them here. That's another whole ballowax by the way. How would Specktra like it if another makeup forum used up their bandwidth by posting LINKS to high-res pics stored on its servers all the time?

Anyway, since everyone else is contributing their 2 cents worth, that's mine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Star
I don't know who got the pics out first (and who cares) but let's agree to call a spade a spade: the pics are stolen, plain & simple.

Saying that seeing them ahead of time allows you to "prepare financially" for new collections, or speculating that mac must secretly agree with the pics being out for general consumption is simply rationalizing a behaviour which one does not wish to change even when faced with the fact that it's wrong.

There is such a thing as intellectual property law, and before you say that "it's just makeup for god's sake" stop to think (a) if it's "just makeup", why do you care so much, and (b) how many millions mac makes on "just makeup".

It's not a game to them. They don't even CARE about "addicts" I'm going to guess. Their bottom line depends on VOLUME. If only the ADDICTS bought each collection, in its entirety every time mind you, they'd be out of business inside a month.

The fact that the company does not want the pictures released should be good enough for you, and it's good enough for me. I'm not going to die because I haven't seen what mac is releasing next month a week ahead of everyone else.

The pictures were stolen, end of story. The person who stole them may feel "powerful" in their ability to "get the scoop" ... you only have to watch the speed at which some here have copied the links off and reposted them here. That's another whole ballowax by the way. How would Specktra like it if another makeup forum used up their bandwidth by posting LINKS to high-res pics stored on its servers all the time?

Anyway, since everyone else is contributing their 2 cents worth, that's mine.

Here is the question I post to you:

Why were you in this thread if you don't think it is right to look at 'stolen' pictures? I mean, the title OBVIOUSLY states that they are product pics...for a collection that is not yet out, so why are you looking at this thread...thereby allowing you to post a reply to what others have said in here.

My opinion- if you have a problem looking at so-called 'stolen' pics. close your eyes. Don't look at threads that are obviously pictures,
censor YOURSELF, and don't ruin it for the rest of us.

I know I'm putting in more and more cents... but I mean, come on people. Lighten up!


Well-known member
please refer to my original comment about "rationalizing a behaviour". Thank you.

Seems you're the one who needs to lighten up: you feel it's okay to bash other people's opinions and make sarcastic comebacks but apparently you don't like it when it's directed at you. Grow up.


Well-known member
I have no problem when people direct it at me, so to speak. I enjoy a good debate, and have no qualms about speaking my mind, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I am not trying to rationalize a behavior (nor do I HAVE to)... I choose to look at the pictures that are posted for all to view. You choose not to... which leads me to ask, yet again... if you choose NOT to look at the product pictures that are posted by lovely Specktrettes before the release of collections, then WHY are you here, posting within a thread that obviously states IN THE TITLE that it is about pictures of an unreleased collection.

This is obviously a thread about pictures, so why subject yourself to thievery... don't look at it.. and the stolen pictures that lie within it.

(The horse is dead... so let's stop beating it.)


Well-known member
If only the ADDICTS bought each collection, in its entirety every time mind you, they'd be out of business inside a month.

I think you are forgetting the old 80/20 rule. In general, 80% of a company's business comes from 20% of its customers. Now, I'm not saying that all 20% is Specktra members or whatnot, but some of them certainly are. (And yeah, I know MAC has a lot of Pro business too, but I'm just talking about regular consumers here. Many of MAC's users are people who buy a lipglass or two a year. Compare that to how many people on Specktra or MUA buy that much or more every week. It adds up.)

Not that this even matters or changes anything... just sayin', I'm sure MAC does care about the 'addicts'-- they'd be foolish not to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nobella
im sure that mac wouldnt mind its products being awwed over it. in no way do i think that posting pics of the upcoming collections is "taking ADVANTAGE" of the company

I agree, it's free promotion.


Well-known member
Yeah, um...anyone ever see a commercial on television? Where the company parades their product around in a desirable fashion and the audience stares at it for 30 seconds or so? Do you have any idea how much those companies pay for those 30 second ad spots? Okay, now how much do they have to pay to have us ogle the images on specktra? Huh. So, they should be angry why?

I think that the kind of intellectual property that MAC would be concerned about would be say...the formula for the l/g, the details about how the MSFs are made, etc. Now, if someone were posting pictures of a collection that was scheduled for release in say...spring 2008 - that might be problematic, as it would allow competitors time to copy the release. Posting pictures of a collection scheduled to be released in a few weeks is free advertisement. You know how production companies release their pictures as "sneak previews" in selected cities? Then a "buzz" about the upcoming release grows and by the time it comes out in every mall in America, it grosses 10 M in the first weekend. That simply would not happen without advertisement. MSFs would not sell out in the first week of their release without similar advertisement either.


Well-known member
if mac needed free promotion, they wouldn't be using specktra as a means for it. stop stealing images people. oh, and melzlurger, the skunk remark was rude any way you look at it.