Detailed Dejarose product pics...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glittergoddess27
Really anyone that can get their hands on an Update book can get this info,..and if they are feeling generous,... share it. I cannot imagine that any one person can think that they are the ONLY ones with such general images,...If a MAC MA posted a look they did for a collection knowing it didn't get posted on the MAC site and it was shared,.. then yeah,.. different story and deserving of a "hate-post". I hate to see people abusing other boards,.. or using someone's pictures without permission,..(I would never do so,...) but in this case can you really say for sure that this is the case and really are the sites in a competition? The Runway is a good site with a lot to offer,.. but I am seeing a lot more negative from there than here,... I hope that changes,. they really have some talent and great people there too!

I think you misunderstood my reply to Stylust. I wasn't defending Stylust, nor pointing the finger at Specktra for having "his/her" images. I was simply stating that it is hipocritical for Stylust to be so defensive and protective of those pictures when they are no one's property but MACs.
Everyone's opinions have been stated and its sad to see that it has gone this far, especially the slander on Vanessa.I never thought I'd see a troll on Specktra (especially since I haven't so far), but this is a forum after all. I hope this whole picture property crap dies, and lets us get back to "normal."

PS Did I say I can't WAIT for Dejarose! I need a second job


New member
nessa, u just did what u had to do..... we both did! if she didnt wanna follow the rules that was her problem! she could have just kept the trap shut and put the link in the proper place and thats it.


New member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3

PS Did I say I can't WAIT for Dejarose! I need a second job

Hell I have 2 jobs! I need a third! LOL

The collections seem really nice this year!


Well-known member
Apology happily accepted. "Nessa you should enforce the rules,...and maybe you are taking it to heart too much. I think that maybe you need a hug,.. You are a good moderator,..(I have been here for over a year now so I know) and sh** happens,..

Girl go get yourself some retail therapy!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
PS Did I say I can't WAIT for Dejarose! I need a second job


i HAVE a second job. I think I need a third too.


New member
Originally Posted by glittergoddess27
Apology happily accepted. "Nessa you should enforce the rules,...and maybe you are taking it to heart too much. I think that maybe you need a hug,.. You are a good moderator,..(I have been here for over a year now so I know) and sh** happens,..

Girl go get yourself some retail therapy!


It's just hard when I put so much time and love into Specktra. KWIM.

LOL mmm...I love retail therapy.


Well-known member
Girls,.. if I ever win the lottery,... I would buya MAC Franchise store and discount everything for all of ya! but until then,.. I have been stockpiling left over Christmas money and birthday money too,.. I am sad I know it!


New member
yup, i know how that feels!!!! if it wasnt raining i would go shopping!!! (oh and if i had money--- minor detail! LOL)


Well-known member
Ummm, thank goodness light pink really isn't my color, cause I'd want it all. Maybe just the fragrance and a lipglass. Oh, and any LE shadows, as a matter of principal and in the spirit of collecting.


Well-known member
Hi HotPink,

Pinks are soooo made for you but thankfully for my wallet, I have to be a bit more picky...hence my tending towards corals.

I think a lipglass and l/s might be all for me, if even that much. Gasp!


Well-known member
I thought that Lustering l/s was part of the permanent collection?! Hmmm...well I own one from years ago (has to more than 2 yrs ago) & I am almost finished. Its actually very pretty on & very sheer. Actually I don't know why I initially bought it because its a colour that by just looking at it I would never buy (I prefer nudes) but this l/s is amazing, kinda like "just bit my lip" shade.
I will def buy one of these when re-released.


Well-known member
fujuwuk. um. need those shadows <3

& heartfelt pink and early bloomer are pretty hott, too.