Devin with long hair?


Well-known member
I've been trying to grow my hair out. I haven't had it long in like...three thousand years (literally!). It's tough, painstaking, & no fun at all. I was messing around on some websites that let you upload your own picture & 'try' hairstyles on. There's this particular one that's really neat. It'll even let you choose your haircolor, jewelry, makeup, & more. I got a free acct. so some of the choices are limited. Nevertheless it's fun & pretty cool. Some of my do's :


I know, I look ridiculous, but it was fun!



Well-known member
Heh, thanks Luv. It's so weird to see myself w/ long hair though. I look like 6 different people, lol!


Well-known member
I like #2 also.. but I really like the cut of #4 on you.. The colors look a little awkward.. But if it was like dark red, with that cut.. That would look HOT.


Well-known member
I have a long way to go before I get to anywhere near these lengths - so it was pretty much for fun. I had to try on the porno starlet blonde one, hehe...I love them all.
#2 - it reminds me of Eva Longoria!? Looks really nice

It's totally Eva's hair. This site let's you try on celebrities' hairstyles, too. You have to pay for an 'all access' account, but there are a few you can try on w/ the free one. It's a blast. Thanks for looking, everyone!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DevinGirl

It's totally Eva's hair. This site let's you try on celebrities' hairstyles, too. You have to pay for an 'all access' account, but there are a few you can try on w/ the free one. It's a blast. Thanks for looking, everyone!

You do look a LOT like her, even more so with the hairstyle! I had to look twice! I like #4 too, as someone else said the cut really suits you. Aah can't decide! #2 or #4.......hmmmm #2 I think


Well-known member
I like the 1st one on the second row, just in the color you have now. I think that cut would be very flattering to you. Of course I love how your hair is now. It shows of your amazing features!


Well-known member
I like #2 and #4! #2 is so very sexy and HOT!! And #4 I'm partial to because it's very similar to my hair hehhehe...


Well-known member
#2. That one looks so sassy. Looks like you're behind someone with 11 items in the "10 Items Or Less" line