Did anyone purchase any Paint Pots??


Well-known member
I originally just bought Ruebenesque because I had no idea what these would be like. Now they're like Pokemon - I gotta catch'em all! Lol!!

I went back and got Painterly to use as a base when I want my e/s to really stick (and boy does it) then went back again and purchased Artifact, Mosscape and Indianwood. Bare Study was out at my counter but when it comes back in I'm going to snatch it up too because I've noticed that the non-matte paint pots keep my other shimmer shadows (especially the non-MAC) from becoming chalky, they stay fresh-looking.

As far as Artifact goes, it is really a beautiful deep, dark wine color on the skin, I've found lightly dusting a lighter powder e/s over (there are soooo many choices here) it with a fluffy blending brush will lighten it up and make it more daytime-friendly. I'm going to try it with Firespot over the top tomorrow to see what it looks like.

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