did i hear that correctly?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
When did anyone say we wanted the world to protect our children? What I got from this discussion is there are a few varying point of view on the commercial and we are discussing it. If I really thought Ellen was bad for my child I would just stop watching her, end of story. No one asked for censorship.

However, as consumers we do have a say in how we feel about this new media campaign. And I do wonder how it may impact kids. Doesn't mean I want to censor her, I don't, but it won't make me want to run and support her with my money either.

From this thread:

"But I know that younger people do watch Ellen's show, which is were the clip posted above was from. That worries me a bit."

"We get that she is joking, but will the tween/teen girls that watch the commercial get it? That's what worries me when I see stuff like this."

"I just think more of this might seep into kid's brains than we think."

Those types of statements, to me and my ears/eyes
, say that her commercial is 'bad' for children, because of what it might make them believe about themselves/the world. So for me, 'protection of the children' being espoused was an easy correlation to make.

Perhaps I should of said 'I don't get the whole 'Think of the children!' thing.' That's a bit more accurate to the statements made in this thread.


Well-known member
That commercial comes on all the time and I've watched it. Hell, I like any beauty commercial even if it's something for much older women. I'm 17, btw.

I didn't take it she was joking.. CoverGirl rubs me the wrong way anyway.


Well-known member
Elllen is a comiedien?
It was funny? Do you really think Ellen meant that? c'mon now
And if you guys think that 'tweens' will take Ellen seriously, well, then someone needs to smack sense into them come one people!
I'm sure these will be the same girls on Tyra and Maury in a few years saying they had sex and got pregnant because of watching Gossip Girl and the movie Knocked Up or something stupid like that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
I don't see how you could have taken those statements and come to the conclusion. Oh well.

Honestly, I don't know how you could be a parent and not think about these things and how your child may be affected. Everyday you need to make judgment calls on what is right for your children. Whether it is the tv, what they wear, what and when they eat, where they go to school, who their friends are... the list is endless. Based on your value system you decide what's best for them. It's your job, and it never stops. I think it's normal to worry about the role the media plays in your child's development.

I wouldn't want my young child watching that commercial. Maybe others feel differently, that's their call.

I agree that if a young child saw this commercial, it could be a little weird, because they haven't grasped the concept of sarcasm.

On the other hand, while parents should be concerned about the media their children are exposed to, I would think that they should have a better handle on the values that they themselves have instilled in the kids, if they think that negative messages in the media will influence how the children feel about themselves and others. My daughter is 15, and if you spoke with her, you'd know that her self worth isn't based on whether or not she looks like a video skank. She's into her body, but moreso how it functions performs, and while she cares about clothes and shoes, she is into what she likes and feels comfortable and modest in, as opposed to looking "hot" or "sexy".

I mean, you gotta step away from the boob tube and the internet if that much time is spent consuming your view of the world in such an artificial way as opposed to, I dunno, LIVING out there in the real world. KWIM?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
Elllen is a comiedien?
It was funny? Do you really think Ellen meant that? c'mon now
And if you guys think that 'tweens' will take Ellen seriously, well, then someone needs to smack sense into them come one people!
I'm sure these will be the same girls on Tyra and Maury in a few years saying they had sex and got pregnant because of watching Gossip Girl and the movie Knocked Up or something stupid like that.

That's funny.