~ different Blacktrack...?


Well-known member
i just bought a new Blacktrack from the MAC store and I noticed that its different than my other fluidlines.. the sticker at the back says "D27" in bold right under where Blacktrack is written.. all my other fluidlines dont have that kinda code on their stickers.. also, it says "Made in Canada" where all of my other fluidlines are made in Belgium.. I know it cant possibly be fake cuz I got it from the MAC store but I was just curious what these differences mean =) anyone know?


Well-known member
i never noiticed that, but i did noitice awhile back that the box it comes in changed. The new blacktrack in my opinion isnt as pigmented, i've never had a prob with it till now...i dint know what the d is for but the 2 stands for feb. and the 7 for 2007.