Dilemma.......help needed :S


Hi ladies,

I'm still new around here and also new to MAC
soo.. I'm thinking about de-potting my MAC shadows and put them in MAC's palette.. but if I dropped the palette, it's gonna be a mess.....
But it'll safe some space and also more convenient if I use a palette tho......

so.. what would you ladies out there recommend? De-pot or not to de-pot?


Well-known member
i prefer to de-pot. its easier in terms of storage and also when it comes to actually doing maakeup. when the colors are laid out all together you come up with so many new color combinations.

its just easier all around


Well-known member
I also prefer to de-pot. I have 3 15-pans, and I've only dropped one of them one time. I had a bit break off of one of my lustres, but the rest were fine.


Well-known member
I don't depot because I like to pick and choose my single shadows for when I'm traveling or going to the gym, etc. I suppose if I ever decided to depot I'd rather have the quads, though. That way they'd be really easy to customize for travel. I know it's not very effective for storage, but it's a lot easier for picking and choosing.


Well-known member
I prefer depoting- it's a pain in the butt for me to dig around multiple single pots in a drawer. Just my opinion


Well-known member
i depot for space and ease of choosing colours.

i keep my shadows in 15 pan palettes, and have a couple of 4 pans to use when travelling or if i need to cart around some shadows.


Well-known member
I must be really rough on my purse. I've depotted and I'm more likely to get messes and chippage if I have a quad than if I have singles (that said, singles sometimes explode! Then that's one heck of a mess). I'm probably in the minority though hehe.

But, at home.. if I don't plan on taking my make-up anywhere with me, depotted is the way to go.


Well-known member
Well, I'm kind of on the fence, but only because I totally botched my Club e/s when I depotted it into my 15 pan. But I will say it's much more convenient to take a 15 pan palette with me than 15 eyeshadows! Also, if you depot you can bring in 6 empties to a MAC store for B2M, which is good (and you can get another eyeshadow or lipstick for doing so).
I would recommend looking up some tutorials on how to depot without bending the e/s pan or losing the color altogether. There's several different methods out there so it's just a matter of picking one you feel is safest, easiest, and cheap.


Well-known member
I like to depot them also b/c I don't like to dig around so much. It gets really annoying to try and find the right color when you're in a rush. If you're wanting to just carry around something small, perhaps you should get the 4 pan pallette. hth!


Hi Ladies,

Thanks for all the replies!
The reason why I was in dilemma is because I tried to depot 2 of my first MAC e/s that I got..about a week ago(humid & mulch, love them soooo much) I depotted both of 'em and guess what... they're both messed up!!!

*got my heart broken when I saw my messed up e/s*

I just got a couple more e/s.. I've decided to get a palette and try to depot 'em again....

Does anyone has any safer (for both me & my e/s sake.lol)depot tutorial???